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As the senior year comes to an end all I can't really think of as I walk down these crowded hallways is no matter how hard I try for something it will never work out. I'm always going to be that girl, that girl that has been to only one party in her life time, that girl that gets all A's without trying, that girl that sits alone at lunch, that girl that never talks, that girl that smokes weed, that girl that always gets her hopes up just to be torn down, that girl that has no friends, that girl that has issues, that girl that no one barely notices, that girl with crazy natural hair, that girl that never smiles. I'm just that girl. Just like everyone else 'that' girl has a name which happens to be Hazel Anne Benson. At school I always seem like again that girl that is super shy and doesn't do anything but in all reality that's false. As soon as I get out of school I'm not like that at all. It's like that girl doesn't exist except well she does only on Monday - Friday at 8:10am to 3:30pm. At home I am crazy, never stop talking or singing or even dancing. I like the way I am at home, nobody can bother me or judge me. I'm just like... myself. And sure as hell it feels great. Oddly I wish I could be like that during school but we all know that is impossible. Out of approximately 1300 students at my school only 2 of which has never gave me shit ever. Probably for one they're stoners, second of all, I get them A's in some classes when we are forced to work together. Only one problem they're popular. I've been paired with one of them Nate Maloley in Chemistry for the whole school year. Then I've been paired with the second one Samuel Wilkinson for a project in music and then a few other times in other classes. Those are the only times I've had a conversation with either of them. Like sometime Sammy would say hi in the halls but I never responded loud enough for him to hear. Nate well I work with him everyday. I barely talk then. I mostly do the work and make my notes and then go over his adding a few extra things. They both are oddly smart which seems impossible since they're the coolest people in the whole school, they play on the basketball team, they're famous, they are extremely hot, very talented, friends with extremely famous people, and many reasons I can't explain. They aren't really the point here. To them I'm just that girl in their classes. All their classes. Forever and always I will be that girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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