Have Faith In Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf; only Cassidy and the world surrounding her.

Have Faith In Me - A Day To Remember

This is one of the longest OneShots I've ever done and it was a long time coming!

So this story is based on 5X14-15-16 so SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW EPISODES!

Welcome Back to Cassidy Snyder's World!


Have Faith In Me

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did

I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it

If you didn't have this chance then I never did

You'll always find me right there, again

The feeling of a hand gripping her shoulder, turned the switch on in her head immediately. She spun clockwise into the body behind her, her elbow striking into their ribs, pushing the body back off of her. Cassidy jumped up and struck her heel into the middle of his chest, pushing the body down to the floor.

Cassidy stood back, hands on her hips. "Are you even trying, Liam?"

"Obviously." Liam winced lightly as he rubbed the sore spot on his chest where she had hit him, still laying on his back on the ground.

"Really, because you're a werewolf, dude. It shouldn't be that easy for a human to take you down."

He didn't say anything, but sat up with his arms laying across his propped up knees. His demeanor was nowhere near the concentration he usually was in when they trained together. Cassidy had called him out of the blue, asking him if he wanted to train with her that evening and he immediately agreed. She thought of it as a peace offering for the two of them.

Cassidy grabbed the two bottles of water on the table, throwing one his way that he caught easily. She plopped down across from him on the concrete ground. She still had access to the old apartment building Derek owned and took advantage of it every second she could. Every time she went there she secretly hoped he would pop up to come harass her about what she was doing, but she knew he was better out of Beacon Hills.

She took a deep drink of the cool water, eyes not faltering from the boy's distraught face. He was concentrated on picking at the label on the bottle. She stretched her legs out, her foot nudging him. "Where's your head at?"

He finally looked up, both sets of blue eyes meeting. "I should have came to you immediately the night that everything happen. Or at least called you. But Theo got into my head."

"Theo got into everyone's head." She leaned back on her hands.

"Yeah but if I would have come to you, Scott wouldn't have died, Travis wouldn't have tried to kill you-"

"-Stop trying to change the past. All you're going to do is run yourself in circles when you can't even change the situation. Now it's time to move forward. Trust me, my mind has been on overload since that night, thinking I could have done something better for Lydia. But there's nothing I can do to change that, all I can do now is find everything I can to get her out."

"Have you been able to see her?" He rolled the cold bottle between his hands.

"Nope." The thought brought a scowl to her face. "Ms. Martin thinks I'm the enemy now. Like I understand she just wants what's best for her daughter, but that's not Eichen."

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