So, Demon_Lord_Sachiko tagged me to do this weird thing. I think it goes like:
13 Facts about me.
Tag 15 people.
I don't know that many people on here, so I'm only listing 2. They don't have to do it if they don't want to, but I'm encouraging
Okay, so let's start.
Fact 1: I go to a public school
Fact 2: I have 3 brothers
Fact 3: I also have 1 step brother and 2 step sisters
Fact 4: That's 6 siblings
Fact 5: I love to read
Fact 6: I have a lot of stuffed animals
Fact 7: I'm the baby of my family
Fact 8: I play the flute
Fact 9: Sweats are my religion
Fact 10: I have an anger issue
Fact 11: I stopped this to read for 3 hours
Fact 12: mentally illnesses are very important to me
Fact 13: This is Fact 13
I tag:
Yeah this was cringey, but what tag isnt
Thank you for wasting your time to read this!