Italy X Reader Part 1

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Hello everyone, I'm doing this Hetalia X Reader story and I am excited to write this. <u< you are free to request who you want and I'll do it. And I'll add more to this when I feel like it, for now enjoy meeting the lil' smol  Italian!
Also if ya don't know how this reader X stuff works here's a guide.

(Y/N)=Your name
(L/N)= Your last name
(E/C)= Eye color
(H/C)= Hair color

Now let the romance begin!

You arrived to the county known as Italy where you wanted to start a living. You looked around the area and you smiled. This place is really beautiful, your friends told you that you are such a lucky goat for moving to Italy. You thought it wasn't a big deal, but you see why your friends were so jealous of you moving there.

Once you done a little bit of sightseeing you thought to yourself 'I need to find the hotel I booked then go exploring!' You rushed off to find the hotel you're staying at, but you can't find it anywhere. You tried looking at the map, but you can't read most of the Italian written there.

"Ugh... This is frustrating, where is the hotel!" You looked around frantically until you heard a voice with an Italian accent.

"Ciao there bella~ you-a look a little lost, can I-a help you?"

You turn around and see an Italain man with short brown hair with a curl on the side. He has amber eyes which looked so enchanting to you. "Um sure, I'm new here and I can't find the hotel I'm looking for..."

"What's the hotel's name, I-a might know where it is~"

"I can't really pronounce the name so I just got the paper that has the name on it...". You held out the paper to him and the Italian man looked closely at it then looked at you.

"I-a know where that is! Follow me bella, it's-a not that far from here~."

You nodded and the two of you started walking. You thought about how happy he is and nice for helping you. In fact everyone in Italy looks really cheerful and happy. You smile thinking that living here will be fun.

The Italian stopped and pointed to the building in front of him. "Here it is~!" He said with a smile.

"Thank you um... erm... Do you mind if you told me your name?"
You asked.

"My name is Feliciano Vargas! Nice to meet you! What's your-a name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

"Ve~ that's a pretty name" Feliciano said.

You blushed a little from the compliment. "Thank you! And I need to go set my stuff down in my hotel room."

"I hope we can-a meet again (Y/N) and maybe I can treat you out for pasta someday and- oh! I got an idea!" Feliciano said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Let's-a exchange numbers so we can talk to each other!"

"Sure! Let's do that!". So you and Feliciano exchanged numbers so you can talk to each other. You were really happy to have the chance to talk to him any time you want. You continued thinking about it until you heard Feliciano's phone ring.

"Oh! I-a have to go to my brother's place (Y/N). I'll-a call you right when I have the time!". You nodded and Feliciano waved and walked away. You are really excited to talk to him later.

*le time skip brought to you by PASTA!*

It's been 5 hours already and you got done un-packing, shopping and chilling in your new hotel room. It looks really nice in where you stayed so that's good. You were about to take a nap until you heard your phone ring. You looked at your phone from the table and you smiled brightly. It was Feliciano! You quickly answered the phone.

"Hello? Is this Feliciano Vargas?" You waited for a response then and cheery voice pops up.

"Ciao (Y/N)! Sorry I couldn't answer to you sooner, big brother and I had to do a lot of work which was really hard. But I'm-a back home now!"

"Yay! That's good!"

"I know, Ooo! I never got to asked you, why did you-a move to my country bella?"

"Well, I moved here because one of the jobs that I really want to work in is located here. So I went through the trouble packing my bags and moving to Italy."

"How do you-a feel about my country right now?"

"So far it looks really wonderful!"

"I can-a show you around my country more if you-a want."

"Sure I love to!"

"Yay! Can we-a do it tomorrow around-a 10 a.m.?" Feliciano asked.

"Yeah! Also that's the perfect time because my work is hours later so I got a lot of time."

"Yay!" You can sense how happy he is through the phone. "I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow, bye Feli!"

"I-I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)!" He hanged up then you did. From the sound of his voice you can tell that he might be blushing because you called him Feli. You grabbed a pillow and hugged it close. 'I can't wait for tomorrow!'

*another time skip brought to you by pizza and lasagna*

It was morning and you were ready to meet up with Feliciano. You put on something causal, but professional because you're going to work after sightseeing. You left your hotel room and walked to the lobby, in the lobby you can see Feliciano sitting down looking out the window. You walked up to him and said hello, he turned to face you and smiled.

"Ciao (Y/N)! You-a look nice today"

You blushed a bit and smiled. "Thanks Feli!"

This time when you called him "Feli" he smiles really brightly and his little curl bounces.

"Come on (Y/N) let's-a go sightseeing!"

You nodded and followed him. During your time with Felicano, you couldn't help but look at him multiple times. You thought how cute he was while being his cheerful self. His smile makes you all warm inside and when he opens his eyes... It's like looking at art. Feliciano was just per-. You snapped back in reality when you looked over at the park clock.

"Shoot! I'm going to be late for work, sorry Feliciano I got to go..."

His curl drooped and put on a sad face that's heartbreaking to look at "Aww... Will you-a come back for more sight seeing tomorrow?"

You nodded. "Of course I will!"

Feliciano's face lightened up and smiled. "Yay!" Then he hugged you tightly. You hugged back feeling his warmth on you. Then he pulled away from the hug. "I'll-a see you later bella!"

"I'll see you later too Feli!"

You can't wait to hang out with him later. You felt your cheeks warm up when you think about Feli. 'Maybe I'm starting to develop feelings for him...' On your way to work you wondered how Feli thinks about you. Your mind was like that for the whole day in work.

To be continued....

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