「before class」: iroha's time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

'God, I hate school' was the first thought that came to mind, while I was waiting outside the principal's office, beating the last level of this game I was on.

I never really liked it probably because of the fact that you had to get up so early to sit on a chair and watch people teach you things that you'll just probably forget in the future. You'd just be sitting there, listening to some boring lecture when in fact you could be doing things that are actually worthwhile. And then there was also that building filled with pretentious people I couldn't bear to stay in a room with.

Then again, being Asano's childhood friend caught me stuck in some stupid position. That is, until our second year in middle school at least.

"Inukai-san, come in" I heard the chairman instruct from inside his office.

I paused the game I've been playing and did as he said, entering the room, only to be greeted by three more people all in business attire.

"I heard that you've been wanting to talk to me", I turned to the man who called for my attention, "Why is that?".

"I'm going to have you transfer to a different class" he declared.

'Called it'.

I expected it due to my truancy. I've already been dropped to Class B, last school year and Class C, earlier this year. It didn't take a genius to see where I was heading.

At the same time, it didn't catch too much attention for it wasn't exactly that much of a big deal because while all the students were busy suspecting me for being ill, reality was that I was just stuck at home playing video games.

"Class D was it?" I asked, thinking that perhaps the other people in the room were 3-D's teachers, only to find myself in the wrong a moment later

"No. You're assigned in Class E once the second term begins," he decided.

—'Wait. What?'

"3-E?" I repeated, thinking that I most likely misheard him.

"3-E" he confirmed.

"But I haven't done anything wrong for you to consider me as a part of Class E. If so, I'd still have to be dropped to Class D" I argued. It wasn't that I was against being bunched with those misfits, but I still didn't appreciate the fact that I'd get demoted that much.

"Iroha, you've been spending school days as a shut-in and spending your nights picking fights and vandalizing walls elsewhere" he stated. "Due to breaking the rules, I'd also issue you 3 days of suspension".

'Well, at least, the fact that he only gave me 3 days proved that he was going easy on me.'

"Okay" I agreed.

"Oh, but instead of just a stay-at-home suspension, it's going to be 3 days of make-up assessments for you" he added, causing me to detest.

"That's too much!".

"It wasn't too much when I've been dealing with meetings with the people you've been beating up from other schools" he shot back.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now