23. Loss

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Clara sat in the hospital chair, her heart racing in her chest. Shaking her leg, she ran her hands over her face. Harry took hold of her hand beside her, "She's going to be okay" he assured her. She nodded her head, but she didn't believe it.

"Clara, what happened?" Liam asked as he walked through the door a worried look plastered on his face.

"Emily she was" Clara couldn't finish her sentence only busted into tears her head falling to Harry's shoulder. Zayn watched from afar, his mind filled with his own negative thoughts. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked down at his phone a text from Emily on the screen.

'Babe I'm coming over' it read.

Zayn knew that Emily is getting into this accident was his fault, if he had read that text before Destiny came over he could've stopped the accident. Guilt washing over him, he made his way outside a cigarette placed in his mouth. Destiny was sat next to him and she felt just as guilty as he did. She didn't know Emily personally, but Zayn always spoke highly of her so she figured that she is a good person. She followed after Zayn leaving the rest to themselves.

Emily lay on the hospital bed, her heartbeat echoing through the room. Her eyes fluttered open, not recognizing her surroundings, she started to panic. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a fresh looking nurse

"Hello Emily, " he said, his bright blue eyes sparkling as he looked at her.

"What happened?" she asked, trying not to sit up, but her aching muscles wouldn't let her.

"You were struck by a car, " he replied, walking over to check her out.

"What, oh my, the baby is it alright?" she panicked. The nurse looked sympathetically at her.

"I'm afraid only the doctor can tell you that miss."

Emily sighed, "Well can you please bring the doctor in?" she asked impatiently.

"He will be here soon, but would you like to see your visitors first?" the nurse asked walking towards the door.

"Yes, thank you, " Emily replied, resting her head back.

The nurse nodded and exited the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

"Who is that woman?" Harry asked from beside Clara.

She looked over at him confusedly, "What woman?" her rebuttal.

"You know the woman that just chased after Zayn the one with the dark brown hair, " he said slowly his eyes watching her carefully.

Clara's eyes widened, "Oh, um she's that friend that I told you about, " she lied placing an innocent smile on her face.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed, "Then why is she here?" He asked. Before Clara could reply the nurse came to escort them to Emily's room which she was truly grateful. Zayn and Destiny came back just in time, a look of guilt still plastered on Zayn's face.

The nurse leads them into the room where Emily Lloyd. Her eyes traveled to her friends and they started to tear up. Zayn ran over to her, wrapping his arms around her. The others followed in hugging her, Clara ends up sobbing on her shoulder.

"Hello everyone," The doctor said as he walked into the room, his eyes widening slightly at the number of people in the room. "I'm afraid only one person can be in here at a time, " he said glancing around at the six.

"I'll stay" Zayn piped up. The others nodded and walked out of the room, leaving the young couple to the doctor.

"Are you the father of the child?" The doctor asked. Zayn nodded his head a took a seat next to Emily, his hand placed tightly in her's.

"Well, I have some unfortunate news, I'm afraid that you lost the baby in the accident," the doctor said remorsefully. Emily froze, her heart stopping in her chest. She couldn't react as if she didn't understand what he just said. Zayn was heartbroken, tears strolling down his face.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," The doctor said before leaving the room.

Soon it all came crashing down on Emily, she screamed and hit her bed. "No!" she cried. Her heart hurts in her chest, it felt like it was about to burst.

Zayn wrapped his arms around her sobbing on her shoulder.

"Not my baby, " she cried wrapping her arms around him also. The couple sat there mourning the loss of their child. A child that will never get to grow up, see the world or even get a taste at happiness.

Hearing the Emily scream from inside the room broke Clara's heart. She could already tell that something had happened to the baby, just from the look on the doctor's face when he came out. Zayn exited the room, but he refused to make eye contact with anyone. He sat down in a chair next to Clara. She glanced at him and then rubbed his back slightly. He ran his hands over his wet face and looked at her. He nodded, showing gratitude from her comfort. Now it was Clara's turn to go into the room. She stood up and walked to the room, knocking on it slightly. She walked in to see her best friend a crying mess. She sat down next to her cautiously, she places her hand in hers.

"Em, what happened?" she asked hesitantly.

"I-I lost the baby, " she cried.

Clara's eyes widened, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, " she said pulling her into a hug. Tears fell down Clara's face as she hugged her. 

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