Chapter 1

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Lucas's POV

"Agent Friar you have case number 24, Maya Hart and "The Hunter's Industries" you will be posed as her boyfriend." My boss Agent Matthews says.

I put the pen down that I was playing with and fix my quiff. "Really why couldn't I have another case like the missing diamond in Asia, Zay is doing?"

Matthew's sighs, "Because you are perfect for this job."

I scoff. "I'm not a babysitter I joined this organization to do something real, not bullshit."

"This is real, Shawn Hunter's rival has been sending threats targeting them, and they put trust in us to protect his daughter."

I roll my eyes, "Fine when do I start babysitting?"

"You aren't babysitting, and you start tomorrow we are having a jet flying you out to New York. You'll be posed as her boyfriend until the threats stop." Matthew's says as he is looking at his clipboard.

"So basically for a long time, why can't I be posed as her cousin or another relative? Out of all the things I could of been you pick boyfriend?"

"Stop complaining, and be happy you still have a job after your last case." He says raising an eyebrow.

"Fine whatever, I'll start packing then."

Just before Matthew's says, "If you do well with this you'll get a big raise and plus you'll make the organization look good."

I nod and get up from my chair and leave the conference room. I walk down the stairs and leave the organization. Once I reach the door that goes out to the parking garage and I get a text from Zay.

Zay: Heard you got the Maya Hart case good luck man, hope you can handle it.

I laugh and text back.

Me: I can handle it, its just that I wish I got something more cool or worthy like your diamond cause.

He replies,

Zay: Lol ya man me too, have fun in New York.

Me: Thanks see you soon.

I turn my screen off and find my silver Honda civic. I think about my case and how I'm going to handle it. "It can't be that bad Lucas! It's just you pretending to be the richest man's daughter boyfriend for who knows how long!!" I think to myself.

I laugh at my thought, yeah I mean it can't be that bad protecting the daughter of the richest man in the country. I won't get fired if I fail! I turn on the radio trying to drain my thoughts out as I drive to my apartment.

My apartment isn't that big, one small room that is in the same room as the kitchen, a bathroom and TV. So basically like a hotel room, but that's all I could afford at the moment. But I like it small enough for my living space since its just me.

The drive takes about 15 minutes and I park my car in front of my apartment number. I grab my little briefcase that holds my laptop and other paperwork from the organization.

I open the door and set everything on my bed. I plug my iPhone on my dresser next to my bull riding trophy's. Yes I use to compete in bull riding, I'm a cowboy. Shocker.

Anyway I make a frozen meal I bought from the grocery store two days ago.

I sigh and open my computer and check my emails. One from the organization.

Dear Mr. Friar,

Your flight to New York tomorrow is at 12:30pm. Be at the organization by 10 tomorrow so we can go over your case again.

Good luck and make us proud!

- J.H

I reply a simple thank you message and turn on Netflix while I wait for my frozen dinner. I sigh and lay back thinking about how the case is gonna go again.

Maya's POV

"You've got to be kidding me?!" I yell at my dad Shawn.

"Maya its just for a bit, don't worry." My father says sighing.

I just found out a guy from an organization my dad works with is posing as my boyfriend for a few weeks.

"I don't understand why, why not cousin?? Or something else." I yell in frustration.

I run my hand through my blonde curls and cross my arms on my chest, "When is he coming?"

"Tomorrow morning, and I suggest you be on your best behavior Maya, he is protecting you." Shawn says.

"Why not call him my bodyguard instead? Wouldn't that be easier." I ask.

"You'll understand soon, just be nice to him please, I heard he is one of the best agents."

"This isn't mission impossible, I'm not calling him my boyfriend, he will never be my boyfriend, and I don't understand why the hell you can't tell me what's going on!" I yell again this time I'm about to cry.

Shawn comes over and hugs me, "It's going to be okay, you're not in danger we are just making your safety better, I will explain later." He comforts me.

I let go and wipe a few tears off my cheek and nod, "Okay I trust you."

"Will you trust him?" He asks.

I think for a moment, I'm putting my safety into some stranger's hands for who knows how long. After all I could have some fun with it.

"Yes I'll put my trust in him."

Shawn smiles and hugs me again.

He married my mom Katy Hart about a year ago. And I haven't been more happier in my life. I used to live in a small apartment and my mom wouldn't come home until late at night because she worked at a diner. But now we have been successful with her and Shawn working for the "The Hunter Industires"

"I'm going to Riley's for a bit, I'll be back by dinner time." I say to Shawn and I grab my gray zip up and walk out the door.

Riley is my best friend, she has been my best friend as long as I could remember. I stumbled upon her place one day, because I ran away. My father, the one who left my mom and I were fighting and I couldn't take it anymore so I ran away. I didn't know where I was but I saw a little girl and that was Riley.

After that Riley's family has been my second family.

I walk for another five minutes and I end up in Riley's baywindow.

"Riley I'm here!" I yell.

Maya!" The spastic brunette yells back.

She puts down the book she was reading and hugs me, "How is my peaches?"

I shrug, "I'm fine, but I get a new bodyguard tomorrow." I roll my eyes.

Riley laughs, "I doubt it's that bad!"

I can't really tell anyone about my parents business and stuff, so I just nod. Riley comes sits with me. She touches my hand and grasps it, "You're gonna be okay, no ones gonna hurt you." She smiles.

"Thanks Riley, I love you."

"I love you too."

After all I know if I trust the new guy I'll be safe. At least that's what I thought.

Authors Note

Hey everybody this is my new book! It is a Lucaya fanfiction. I do not own Girl Meets World and all ideas are mine. If you ever want to contact me my socials are:

Twitter: @meyersabs

Instagram: @corbrina

I will update every Friday. So please vote and comment for more I hope you all enjoy!


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