Cap. 1

213 4 0

Ignacio was added.
Victoria was added.

Isa (creator of the group): Welcome guys would like to play a game?

Ignacio: who are you?
Victoria: that !! You know??

Isa: they want to or not.

Ignacio: ok
victory: ok

Isa: Perfect ...
The game is that they should kill some innocent people. If you kill 1 without complaints, are welcome to the group.

Victoria: Good: D I do not care to kill, but to ???
Ignacio: no, you're crazy, I will not kill anyone.

Isa: I will ignore ... or suffer the consequences, if you ignore me .. they have fun, and if not, suffer.

Ignacio: pfff I withdraw from the group.
Victoria: I like, nobody sends me. This is stupid.
Ignacio: hey, do not let me out !!! I pressed the button battery out and down 5%
Victoria: like me .. D:

Isa: o respect me, or suffer. Or ... Suffers his family ...

Victoria: Pfffffff like you know where I live jaajajaj.
Ignacio think we fools? Remove this group now.

Isa: enough! I had a lot of patience with you! I want to see? OK.

Pov Victoria:

I was in my bed, did not believe this idiot .. But I have a little fear, Nosé how he got my number.
I heard a noise .. sounds like a baby crying and coming from the bathroom. When I went to see, was a girl in a nightgown that reached to his feet, was stained with blood, the baby turned and was shocked, it was horrible, his face was full of pits, from his mouth came blood, which dribbled down his chin and neck. I realized it was not a baby, it was a chick of 15 or 16 years.
Now you believe me? Vicky? 'I give a kiss on the cheek and leaves marked with blood-

+ I- Isa?
- You must do what I tell you, obey me or see.
+ O- ok.

Pov Ignacio:
He was scared, this seemed real, but wanted to believe it was all a farce. Derrepente I get a private message Isa.

Your TV is great .. have long not seen one.

I got out as fast as I could, and I saw a girl sitting on the couch, watching my TV.

+ Hello? Who are you?
- Isa. He flips over his head but his body is fully towards the TV.
At that time remain shocked and I almost fainted, her eyes where would the mouth, nose where was the left eye, mouth and nose where I was going.
It was all deformed, wearing a bloodstained nightgown and was disgusting. Then to wake she came to me and kissed me * Which almost vomited because he was deformed and blood dripping like crazy *

Honey, Obey me, or you'll be ugly. If? I'm good, until game time arrives.
+ S If Isa ..


Isa: I see you understand. Now, let the kids play.

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