Frosted Windows

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I walk on a bus recently deserted of kids and the driver. I was told to scan the bus for any vandalism. the first thing that caught my eye's Were the windows. First I noticed the windows with handprints and drawings made by the little children to disobey the driver and occupy their little minds. Then I noticed the windows that have smears on them made by the older popular kids talking enthusiastically about anything exciting that happened that day. then there's the that are half-way wiped out so the person that sat there can watch out the window because they have no friends to talk to and their too mature to draw. Next are the windows that are completely wiped out so the person can get as much light as possible before they go home to darkness and hurt. The last window hasn't been touched, no marks, and no smears. Then it hits you. This must be the seat of little Jessy Crook that took her own life because of the depression she was fighting. The depression won that fight and took over her mind. She couldn't handle it anymore so she decided to drown herself in a half frozen lake and looked through her last frosted window.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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