They say love is the strongest bond and power. Love can heal anything. But they don't tell you love hurts more than anything. Her tears won't stop like in movies. His heart won't bend that way like in movies. So why not try to be some thing? because she's afraid and he is to important to risk loosing. It's not all fun and easy. It's hard and torture to go through. The ONLY exception is when you find that one.. truly perfect person. You know the ones who love you with your flaws and wouldn't change you for the world. Maybe you don't find them.. maybe they find you.. maybe you trip over them and realize how much they really mean to you. It may be scary but don't just push them away. Give them a few chances.. not over the top chances and not like two.. but give them a few, because people mess up. It's just part of life. Do what makes you happy.