Chapter One

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She stands there shocked as his lips moved in sync with another's. How could this be? He said that he loved her, but you don't shatter the soul of someone you love. You don't shatter their already wounded heart. You don't shatter their whole existence. It's only been a day and he moved on so quickly, like he didn't care about her, like he didn't just destroy a girl.

"Rosy, let's go." She feels a hand on her shoulder, "don't torture yourself like this." His voice spoke so softly like at any moment his best friend would physically break. Little does he know she's already broken?

Rose turns around without uttering a single word and walks away not wanting anyone to see her break down. Her calm and graceful walk soon turns into a full on sprint. The tears and the rain start to fall as she races her way to the comfort of her bedroom. Rose doesn't make it however. She stops in front of an alleyway the tears becoming too much.

Soon enough Rose is in the dark alleyway sobbing uncontrollably. She melts to the floor, knees to her chest, her hands cradling her head. The rain pours harder and the ice cold droplets burn her pale skin.

He had promised that he wouldn't hurt her, that he wouldn't leave her, and that he would mend her. He broke his promise. Ryan broke her. Rose sits there swimming in self-pity. She just wants the ache in her chest to stop.

"Hey hot stuff. How you doing," a young man says stopping in front of the alley's entrance. Hot stuff? Rose sits there with a blank expression on her face. Her clothes are soaked, makeup is running down her face and her hair looks like a birds nest.

"Are you def. or something? I'm taking to you," the man expresses. Anger evident in his voice. He starts making his way towards Rose, but is pulled back.

"Leave her alone Chris," a familiar voice says. Rose realizes who it is. Mason Conway. He attends Redwood High, her high school's rival.

"Let go of me Mason." He struggles under his grip, trying to get out.

"Leave her alone or I'll break your jaw," Mason spits out with disgust. He lets go of Chris and pushes him away lightly. To Rose's surprise Chris does what he is told.

Mason is known for his rebellious attitude and for fighting. People are easily intimidated by his broad shoulders, muscular build and his forest green eyes that hold no emotion.

"Thanks," Rose mumbles putting her head back on her arms. She expects him to leave after she expressed her gratitude, but he doesn't. Mason stands facing her staring at her intensely.

"Come on," Mason says sticking out his hand to help her up. "We need to get you out of the rain."

Rose takes his hand gratefully. Who knows what would have happened if Mason wasn't there to stop Chris. She lets go of his hand as soon as she's on her own two feet. Mason jogs to his car and opens up the door to his all black 1969 Mustang.

"I-I can just w-walk," Rose stutters out hugging herself to keep warm she begins walking until Mason grabs her wrist lightly to keep her from walking any farther.

"Let me drive you. You're freezing and your house is still seven blocks away," Mason says forcefully. Rose looks at him confused on how he knows where she lives

"I live like two houses down," he says as if he could read her mind. Hesitantly Rose gets in the car, too drained to fight against the strange feeling of getting into a strangers car.

The car ride is silent for the most part, except for the light music coming from the radio. Rose sits there shivering life a wet dog, waiting for the awkward car ride to be over.

Mason pulls up to the front of her house a few minutes later. She thanks his one last time before getting out of the car. 

Rose can hear the yelling of her parent through the door,

Great they're at it again. Rose thinks to herself while pressing her head against the dull red door. 

Her parents are always fighting whether its about her father not washing the dishes or my mom playing music too loud. More recently, however, they have been fighting about her mother being unfaithful and sleeping with her co-worker. Today is just like any other day. Rose comes home to a screaming match between the two and then they ignore her. 

"Hi, mom. Hi, dad," Rose mumbles while walking through the front door. They ignore her and continue to argue.

"Because you cheated on me, Anna," her father yells throwing his hands up in the air. 

"Well maybe if you would actually come home sometimes I wouldn't have done it," her mother screams back.

"So you're blaming me working to put food on the table for you being a whore!" And with that Rose heads upstairs to her room not wanting to hear what her mother has to say next.

She lays down on her bed and turns on the radio to try and tune out the arguing. It's times like this where Rose is glad she's an only child. He or she don't have to put up with this. 

"Just fucking leave then! And take that brat upstairs with you. She's probably not even mine," her father shouts. Rose jumps out of bed and rushes down the steps. 

"Oh trust me, Dan, she's yours. Marrying you was a mistake just like having Rose." Anna grabs her bags by the window. 

When Ann opens the door she comes face to face with Mason and judging by the expression on his face he had herd what Anna said moments before she opened the door. Her parents faces flush with embarrassment. 

"Oh um sorry to interrupt, but Rose left her bag in my car so I just wanted to drop it off," Mason says hesitantly. Rose stands there at the bottom of the steps trying not to cry again. First her ex-boyfriends, then her parents. Whats next? Is her best friend going to give up on her? Mason's eyes meet Roses' and he can see all the pain going through her. 

"That's quite alright dear," Anna says taking the bag from him and placing it by the door. Mason nods his head and walks away, but not before taking another glance at Rose. Her mother follows behind him with her bags in hand. She doesn't even say goodbye to her daughter. 

'I guess I really am a mistake' Rose thinks to herself as she walks back to her room. In that moment Rose vowed to herself to never let anyone in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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