Dreams of an android

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Napstablook responded with a smile. The completely unclouded, sunny expression reminded Mettaton of a rainbow after a storm. He remembered how much he loved this smile, and could not understand how he had managed to live with himself for so long after relegating such a beautiful face to oblivion. Mettaton felt something rise up through his chassis into his throat.

Napstablook's face in his memories had always been marred by sadness, and only now did he realize that it was all his own doing, the byproduct of immense subconscious guilt. Only now did he remember that Napstablook had actually smiled, even on the very last day they had spent together.

The lump in his throat now threatening to choke him, Mettaton shook his head vigorously in an attempt to dislodge it. But when he opened his mouth, all that came out was a cry of "I never meant for that to happen."

And then it was Napstablook's turn to encourage Mettaton, gently enveloping him in their soft gaze. The entity reflected in the fathomless depths of those pupils was a truly gorgeous machine. The shining steel chassis was unmistakably that of Mettaton. At the same time, the invisible things pulsing within that steel-soul, memory, emotion-those, too, were undoubtedly Mettaton's and Mettaton's alone. All of a sudden, Mettaton understood who his "self" truly was. He had never become someone else, let alone a "someone else" named Mettaton. No matter what his name was, his "self" had only ever been himself. The fact that he was Napstablook's irreplaceable friend and beloved cousin had never changed. His long and winding path had finally led him to his true form, made of all his lived experiences.

Smiling through his tears, Mettaton said, "I guess I have something I need to tell you, too."

Napstablook gently squeezed Mettaton's hand, and the frail touch was enough to convince him that everything was going to be okay. The two of them had suffered more than enough. They needed to be happy together; they needed to live together once more. Now was the time. Now, or never.

And so Mettaton's metallic voice began to sing.

"Oh my Blooky, my beloved Blooky, I-"

Dreams Of An AndroidWhere stories live. Discover now