Cameron = Maia Mitchell 

Cameron POV

I wake up in a white box. "Mum," I started panicking because I couldn't find my mom. Look I was worrying I couldn't see her nor here her so either I'm dreaming or I'm really awake and panicking like hell and back. Wait why am I panicking because my parents ain't worth shit. They honestly need to jump off a bridge, then get shot in the back of the head. I guess this is the first response the body makes when you are somewhere without your mom or dad.

I heard footsteps, and the white box opens. Fuck I'm not dreaming. He walked to me and held out his hand and now I was terrified, shitless of the person, and I'm sitting here screaming like hell.

"Look ma these walls are sound proof, so no one is going to here you, and I ain't going to hurt you. Understand?" Yeah where have I heard that line before? Right my parents. I sit here thinking to myself while he told me while still holding his hand out. I took it and he looked at me. "Damn ma. An ass like that going to make me go wild. By the way my name is Jaymar."

I'm now looking down and blushing like fucking crazy, "Um... I'm Cameron." He tilted my head back up and this bitch shaking his head like what did I say something wrong? "Bitch what you looking at?"

"Princess is what I'm going to call you. And your hot." I start to look down again. "Don't be doing this shit. If you don't know what I'm talking about. It's putting your head down."

"I'm sorry. I just never get compliments." I said and he just looked at me with pity. "Wheres my Mum I really need to talk t-," he cut me off.

"Bullshit you need to talk to your mom she abused you and you know it." He spoke softly. "Look we went to school to school together. Mrs. Griffins class, third grade, remember? But if you ever want to see them wait till your eighteen."


"Don't worry. We are going to the mall to get you the main necessities for you. You live here now and I own yo ass." I shook my head, "Why not."

"I don't want you to waste your little money on a shitty ass person like me. Trust me I ain't worth shit." This bitch keeps shaking his head or is laughing his ass of on what, how, or really anything I do.

"Ma, no your not so get you ass in the black SUV, at the end of the driveway and I'm buying yo ass everything, and ain't shit you can do." I nodded and walked out of the white box and see this huge ass house. Its like big. I felt a hand move onto my lower back, "I'll show you around later." I nod and we walk out.

We walk out and go to Panorama Mall in Los Angeles and we walked into every store in there. First Nike, "Well what you want Princess?"

"The whole wall of slides." I had the biggest smile on my face.


We walked into Nike and her eyes lit up man. I swear it was like the damn sky, no lie. She's so damn beautiful. "Well what do you want Princess?" I asked her

"The whole wall of slides," damn that smile is so... I don't know but it looks nice on her.

We went to the counter and payed and it came to a ten thousand but I didn't tell her, I have a feeling she would kill me. The next store we went to was Belk. She bought some jeans, a few fitted shirts, shorts, then some lose fitting shirts. I can tell she ain't a dress person because she turned her nose up at every dress she saw. I would have to. I ain't into women that like dresses, them damn things are annoying. Then she bought shit tons of sweat pants.

She finished and she had this smile like she was going to die, the fact this girl looks good and I have a severe thing for her. It ain't like fucking these hoes. Not it was like I'm going to confess my ever dying for her, on her front porch step. Like if she were mine I would never cheat.... I think.

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