The Weakest Bully (One Shot)

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I'm the strongest girl in the school as they said. I fear nothing, I fear no one.

Even the strongest boy is afraid of me.

In fact he follows my orders.He's my servant, and my guardian. Dunno why he's always there for me.

Tsk, I hate it when he protects me.

Goddamn it! I know how to protect myself. I'm not a child anymore.

I hate it the most when he always said this out of nowhere verbatim

"You're too weak to protect yourself that's why I'm here"

Is he an idiot? I can beat all those jerks who tried to get in my way.

Everyday this is the scenery of my life..

Fighting those people who try to hit on me, but he's always there being a hero. I'm not a damsel in distress for pete sake!

How dare him! Treating me like a child.

I despise him so much.

I couldn't bear his presence.

There's these thoughts enter my mind. Asking why is he doing this?

I don't get it!!

Out of curiousness. I followed him.

He is walking on a familiar street, on the same road.

"What the hell --?! Why he's here in front of our house?

He ring the doorbell, and my father open the door. They are talking so nicely, like they known each other before.

Few minutes have passed, the dumbass making his way inside.

"Something is not right!,How the hell he know my address" I murmur silently.

I use our backdoor to get in. They are in the living room. My parents are wearing a worried expression.

"How's my daughter"

"Is she alright?"

"She is not being bullied, right"

"Please, protect her"

Huh? Mom. There's no way that jerk -----

"You're daughter is perfectly fine. Gabriella is lively as ever," he said. Then his expression change. Things are getting serious.

"I do whatever it takes just to protect her. Afterall, her body is in crucial state"

His words left me dumbfounded. What did he just said?

"Her body is in crucial state"

"W-w-what do you mean?," I stutter while revealing myself.

Their eyes widen. Like they see a ghost or something.

"What do you mean I'm in a crucial state?" my voice is shaking while asking those words.

"Honey we have something to tell you." She said while slowly approaching me... I can sense this is not a good catch

"What is it mom?"

"And why is he here?" I turn my gaze to Tony angrily

"Gabriella it's about your health...your weak...your dy---" I cut my dad off before he said those words

I run as fast as I could to get out... The revelations is suffocating me


No I'm no DYING!!! I'M NOT WEAK!!

I'm not dumb I know what will he's going to say..but why they didn't tell me.

My tears are streaming down my face..


"Gabriella.. I love you plss...don't leave me" I can hear Tony's voice


I woke up inside a white room... I scan the whole place until my eyes settled to the person sleeping on the chair beside my bed..

It's Tony....

He open his eyes shockingly...

Pfft...what wrong with him..

"You're awake"

"How are you?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Are you feeling well?"

AHAH...He said those while acting like an idiot...


"I'm sorry" he cut me off

Now I remembered everything...I remember before this happen

I just look at him intently

"I'm sorry it's my fault... I shouldn't hide this from you..I'm so sorry" his voice cracked up while saying those

"I asked your parents not to tell you that you had a leukemia.. I paid our school and the students to act.. To let you feel that you are strong..I'm so sorry I use the time left before the symptomps of the disease show off... I just did that because I love you" he's looking in to my eyes like I'm the most precious thing he had

I dont know what to feel..

There's no words try to escape my mouth

But i tried to

"How did you know about this?How can you lie? Why did you pretend? And worst everything that sorrounds me are all lies" I say it then

"Im so sorry.. I just did that coz I love you.. I dont want you to feel weak.... I know it before then... You were diagnosed with stage 3 leukemia and you survived....but you've got a short term amnesia effect of too much stress and you break down.... and that's the start you forget about me"

I'm speechless

"W-what do you mean forget you? my tears streams heart beats fast... and memories flashes my minds...

"I'm your....boyfriend and you're my weakest bully"

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