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Rapunzel PoV
Me and the girls were talking while shopping about our honeymoons while the boys were just talking Jack helped me a bit while the others just talked to each other the girls weren't happy about them the girls went into a shoe shop while I stood outside with the boys

Punz: guys
Flynn: yeah
Punz: you should be like Jack, helping your wives with stuff like Jack is helping me

Jack: because I love you
Punz: I love you to but the girls might leave you if you don't help them out

Kristoff: where are they
Punz: in the shop
Flynn: we'll be back in a min

The guys walked in the shop while me and Jack stood outside

Jack: will they really leave them
Punz: I don't know I just needed something to use to make them help the girls

Jack: you are so smart
Punz: what like you're so handsome
Jack: and you're so beautiful
Jack: how longer are we gonna be here
Punz: you can go home if you want
Jack: no I want to stay with you
Punz: you're so sweet
Jack:(smiles) I know
Punz: cocky much
End of PoV
Elsa's PoV
Rapunzel and Jack are so cute together but I think it's super cute that Jack is helping Rapunzel but our husbands don't do fuck all then we saw them run in

Elsa:  what's up
Flynn: you're not gonna leave us are u
Anna: what
Kristoff: Rapunzel said you might leave us

I thought for a moment

Elsa: well
Flynn: oh don't please
Merida: well start helping us like Jack is helping Rapunzel

Hiccup: we will, we will

Finally they will help us
End of PoV
Jacks PoV
I heard Elsa's voice and she was happy I can tell once hiccup said that they will all help their wives

Punz: do you want to go get something to eat

Jack: sure

I texted Flynn and he replied with 'wait we are coming out in a min' so we waited there for a little longer then they came out with wide smiles well the girls did me and the guys walked in front while the girls talked
End of PoV
Anna's PoV
Me and the girls were walking behind the boys and we were talking

Elsa: what did you say to our husbands
Punz: that they have got to start helping you

Anna: really
Punz: yeah why
Merida: it worked
Punz: really
Elsa: yeah
Anna: they are helping us now
Punz:(smiles) I'm glad

Then we bumped into the boys backs the girls and I fell back but before I could hit the ground I felt a pair of strong arms around my tiny waist
End of PoV

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