I look up to see a shadowy figure, hand stretched out. I take the hand and he leads me to a place filled with more of them.
I look around to see them smiling, with there sharp, jagged teeth. And the funny thing is, I don't feel afraid. I feel at peace
another one takes me by the hand and leads me to a room filled with mirrors.
I look at one and see me but at the same time it's not. I look dead, mutilated, bloody and rotting.
I try to scream but they keep my mouth shut. It feels like it's sewn together.
I try to run but it's like my feet won't move. They hold me there and laugh. it's not a pleasant sound. It's like glass in a garbage disposal.
They laugh and laugh, and then I wake up.
It's all a dream but I wake up scared for my life, scared that it will come true.
Like I will become the thing I saw in the mirror.