Chapter One

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Authors note~ Hey guys! Thank you for picking my book! My friend Alysha edited this for me so shoutout to her. I hope you guys like my story! Vote, comment and share!

I got on the cold grey bus. Glancing up I saw a few people on the bus, there faces all reflected different emotions. I try not to look anyone in the eye in fear that they might recognize me. I pull my hoodie closer and let my hair fall in front of my face, as I slid into a seat near the front next to the window and watch the town I grew up in disappear behind the trees. I put my headphones in and turned up the music to drown out the noises around me. This will be good thing I need to get out of here get to somewhere safe. It's going to be okay. Was my last thought before I closed my eyes.    


Waking up, I lift my head looking to the front of the bus stretching a little bit and letting out a yawn. When suddenly the bus driver slams on the breaks jerking everyone forwards and swing the doors open.

"Everyone get off the bus now!" He said with no emotions and throwing a glare my way. Everyone gets up and shuffles off the bus. He slams the doors closed and and drives off. Before anyone could get there things, leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but trees for miles.

Everyone was confused and a little shocked. But I knew what was going on. He found out, he saw me, he now knows.

I looked at the others without making eye contact. There was a mother that had brown hair and brown eyes, with dark circles around her eyes. She reminded me of the foster home care taker back home. With her she had a small child maybe around three years old. The child had fire red hair and piercing blue eyes. One looked and that little girl could get whatever she wanted. There was also a depressed looking older man, he had thin grey hair that was balding in the back and a old beaten up cain. He hobbled as he walked over to a rock off to the side. I heard some arguing. I looked over my shoulder to see a girl and a guy that looked about 16 or 17 years old. The girl had bleach blond hair, She pretty much looks like a typical white girl that you would see at starbucks everyday. As for the guy he looked like a stereotypical nerd, he has brown hair and light blue eyes, with thick black square framed glasses. Out of the corner of my eye I see a mysterious looking guy, he is wearing all black and has his hood up and is hiding his face. He is also examining the people too.

"What the hell are we going to do!" The teen girl snapped after a while. 

"Paige calm down, he probably had to get a different bus or something, i'm sure he will come back"  the nerdy guy answered looking down at the ground.

"Kaden are you stupid!? Why would he leave us in the middle of nowhere! We are never going to get home" Paige yells while pacing back and forths pulling at the ends of her hair.

"A...are we never going to get home mommy?" the little girl asked with a shaky voice. 

"No honey, don't worry we will find a way home Samantha." the mother said as picking up Samantha shooting a quick glare towards Paige 

"Paige and Kaden stop arguing" the old man says coughing a little "we will find away to get out of here, but for now we have to stick together" he adds on while walking over to us

"Mommy i'm sleepy" Samantha said to her mother while rubbing her eyes.

"I know honey, it's okay" her mother said softly rubbing her back.

"It will be dark soon, We need to find shelter" the mysterious guy said.

"Thats a good idea. let's go" the old man said as he waved everyone forward and started walking.


We went deeper into the forest the old man and the mysterious guy were talking up ahead  "the clearing ahead looks like a good place to make a shelter" the old man said looking back at us.

I feel a slight tug on my sweater, looking down I see Samantha.

"Hi i'm Samantha, what's your name?" She asked with a cute little smile.

"Oh um my name is Haven." I answered looking at the ground to make sure I wouldn't trip on anything

"My mommy is trying to get Paige and Kaden stop fighting, I didn't want to listen to it so I came up here and you looked sad" she said looking up at me.

"Oh i'm not sad i'm just thinking" I answered

"What are you thinking about?" She asks

"A Lot of stuff" I look over at her as she looks around at the trees, her eyes light up when we pass a small patch of flowers. 

"Do you want to pick some flowers and i'll show you how to make something really pretty with them?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She squeals, and grabs my hand to pull me over to the flowers.


"And that's how you make a flower crown" I said as I placed it on her head

"It's so pretty, thank you!" She giggled as she hugged me and then ran off to her mom.

But before she left I made sure to see her date, 15.09.2092 good she will live a long life.

I get up dusting off my pants and walk over to the old man "what's your name hun?" he asks when I reach him.

"Haven " I answered

"I'm Charlie, it's nice to meet you" he spoke with a light smile "do you think you and Axel can go find firewood? He's about to go but I don't want anyone going anywhere alone" he said pointing to the mysterious guy.

"Uh.... sure, i'll go with him" I answered.

"Okay thank you haven" he said with a cough and then waddling over to Samantha and her mother. While I walk over to Axel.

"Um Charlie wanted me to come with you" I said nervously.
He nods his head saying nothing and starts walking and I followed behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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