Hey... Have you ever dealt with depression? Have you ever joked about it? Or have you ever made someone depressed? None? Well you must be perfect. Everyone gets depressed at one point in there life. It may be serious it may not but either way depression is a serious matter. If you bully someone because they have st's or they cut. Don't tell them to do it more. It'll make them get depressed even more. Those st's could turn into real events and you could have tooken a innocent persons life away. Depression...my definition is aggrevated, stressed, and sad. If your depressed and feel as if your not worth living. Never give up. Taking your life away won't change anything. You could have grown to be a doctor or a vet. Don't do it. Every time you think about it say to yourself no. Your life is precious. Razors aren't brushes and your skin isn't your canvas so don't paint it in red. Just don't. I've delt with depression myself. I don't want to talk about it neither. Its better to not talk about it. Get your kind off of it. Join a sport or do community service it'll raise your self esteem. Just don't do it..... Its not worth it. :)