Bullied In Everyway

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  • Dedicated to Stop Bullying

    Tears fell from my eyes as i sunk down to the soft, plush rug on my bathroom floor. It's bright pink matched the raindbow polka-dot shower curtain that flowed a few feet away. My head pressed against the sink counter as the pain pounded at my heart. I didnt push myself to look past it for i'd given up long ago. The endless taunts and beatings had shattered my soul. Every fiber of my being was screaming for the end, the final sentence in a story so wrongly prolonged. Sometimes i questioned God, never yelling, only pleading. The words that flew from my mouth seemed oddly false, though i knew they were laced with feeling. All the feelings just happened to flow out when i was alone. Why was i destined for such a fate? No words of happiness could cure those bullies fits of rage.

   "You're so fat," One screamed, her voice not at all quiet. "You brought nothing but shame to me and this school! i don't know why i ever considered being your friend. You're so ugly. Retard." With her cruel words not satisfying her, she spat a glob of spit at my face. Direct hit, i thought to myself while wiping it away. Salty drops of water were threatening to overflow from my eyes as i stared down at the ground. Long ago had i given up fighting back. The girl who i used to call "best friend" barged past me, knocking me to the ground in the process. Shoes connected with my ribs as my hate-club stomped over me. Pain erupted from my already bruised body and i cried out pathetically. But all they did was laugh.

Those laughs, were my life.

    Gasping, sobbing and whipping my head back against the cabnet roughly, i screamed out at the cruel world for all it has done. Yelling my agony at the earth wasnt enough, so i began to aim my fury at God. His fault, His fault, His fault. My brain chanted this over and over, for i knew i had done nothing wrong. God's fault.

     Hands reached up my shirt as i struggled and writhed about. A fist lashed out, colliding against my back as a stab of pain jolted down my spine. "Stand still," The guy grunted, cursing me loudly. I flinched away from his large muscled arms and scary figure. After another struggle for escape, he slammed my body down onto the ground with an angry yell. "Fine! You're ugly *** isn't worth my time anyway. If you died now, i'd laugh." 

     My fingers fumbled to remove the cap so that i could swallow some pills. Hand trembling, i managed to pull the top of and toss it onto the ground. Pills went flying all over the floor at my jerky movements. I dropped to my knees and started scooping them into a pile.

     Her blonde hair swished from side to side, blue eyes piercing mine as she caught me. My enemies  favorite game was about to begin. Her being the predator and me, the prey.  I shrunk back in my seat, hoping with all my might that the teacher would enter soon and save me from my doom. Her insults reached me before she did but it wasn't long before she had her hands firmly planted on my desk, staring down at me with the mother-of-all smirks on her face.

     "You know, i'm starting to get sick of seeing your ugly face at school everyday. I'm bored with losing my lunch everytime i look at you. Maybe you should fix that."

    "Maybe you should leave her alone," The boy next to me informed her, his fists tightly clentched and eyes glaring."She might actually take you seriously some day. In fact, i wouldn't be surprised if she did. You have no right to treat her like this. No right at all. And one day she's going to get sick of all of this and give up. What then?"

    The blonde sneared at him, her eyes piercing into mine though she spoke to him, "I'd spit on her grave." With that, she swished her hips side to side and strolled away. Tears fell down my cheeks,  soaking into the sweatshirt that usually hid me from the world. The boy next to me was staring at me in horror, as if he hadn't expected her answer.

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