Who knew that one day coming home from school that I would be killed, (What the chicken balls did I do to deserve that!!)
Who knew that I would die at a young age of 17, (At lease I don't have to see myself old and boring, that would suck)
Who knew that I wouldn't stay died, (because I sure in hell didn't)
Who knew that I would wake up in pain like all my blood is boiling, (The man up above the clouds must really hate me for cursing in front of the church but on my defense I did not know it was even there)
Who knew that my throat would feel like its on fire, (I was super hot and I'm not just talking about my looks ;)
Who knew that when the pain stop I would be faster, stronger, beautifier, and smarter then I was before, (I think the smartness kind of skipped me)
Who knew that I would have powers like no other,(Suck that BITCHES!!!)
Who knew they knew.....
(Dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!!)