The Pale Rider

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As the sun arose the horizon

Everyone felt something was wrong

As they gathered in village and city squares

A ravenous cry was unleashed everywhere

It rumbled from the rocky depths

a hellish sounds of unknown breath

Of anger and anguish in its cry

A final sound ushered was Die!

As though it was planned

Lich-gates opened from the ethereal planes

Spewing forth malevolent beings of unknown energy

Grabbing every soul they could find,

No life would be left even if it tried to hide

As tears were shed

the Pale Rider strode through a gate

Held up high was his scythe of blackened rage

Seeking his vengeance of untold aeons.

So now Time Ends

The Reaper claims his prize

No Devil or God

Just Death!

Men and Women were struck with one single blow

As children fled in terror, which was sown

Murderers and rapist entrails displaced

For their crimes, no life was to be spared

The Reaper unleashed his force upon the gates of Hell

The Devil stood and was soon felled

The dark Underworld was now Death's domain

And soon the mortal world will be left in flames

So now, Time Ends

The Reaper claims his prize

No more Devil and a missing God

Just Death!

Cities now have fallen to the sea

Bones now bleached and trampled beneath

Mountains collapsing upon abandoned towns

No life left around

What was, and what could have been

Have now fallen under Death's domain

He shall now inherit the Earth for eternity

No God, No Man

Just Death and his Domain

So now, Time is at it's End

The Reaper hath claimed his prize

No more Devil and No more God

Just Death!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2013 ⏰

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