It was a cool night, the breeze went threw the maksed mans hair, the hooded man beside him smiled, "so, what are you going to do tonight?" The masked man answered in a calm voice, "probably see what Slendy wants me to do, need to get the big things off my plate tonight, or I'll be toast," the hooded man chuckled "you always have big things on your plate, why do you always do the assined a week later? Oh, silly Masky," Masky turned to his friend and sighed, "because I'm always hanging with you, or helping you, Hoodie," the two sat on the building looking ahead at the forest nearby. Hoodie leaned his head on Masky's shoulder, and they enjoyed the nights cool breeze.
"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" The tall man yelled in rage, 'WHERE ARE THOSE TWO, WHERE ARE MY PROXIES!?" The black, long haired boy sat on a tree branch, "Slendy just calm down," Slendy turned his glance to his friend, "Jeff..... I have other things to do, my other two Proxies need to finish the other stuff I can't get to tonight," Jeff rolled his eyes, "you need to keep your boom to a minimum." Slendy stood there for a minute, "and isn't it their day off, anyways?" Slendy stood there for a minute, "FUCK," Jeff was in such shock from the yell that he fell off the tree brach, "HELP!!" Jeff shut his eyes tightly, but was caught by Slender Man, Jeff was being held up by a few tentacles, "you shouldn't fall out of trees, Jeff."
Masky was looking up at the moon tierdly, "hey, Hoodie," he said nudging his companion, "let's go back to Slendy's house and go to sleep, Hoodie?" Masky saw the tired boy asleep on his shoulder, "oh, come on," he chuckled and picked up Hoodie piggie back style, "sometimes your just a child."
Masky- This was requested by a close friend on email, how could we say no to a friend?
Hoodie- This acutally happened, I mean this is TOTALLY fiction!! Yes, this will turn out to be Slendy x Jeff, (They really do like each other!) and Maksy x Hoodie!
Masky- This is just chapter one, enjoy.