What? Why? Part 1

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Hi! Writer here! Hope you enjoy the story.

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I woke up in bed.
Exept it wasent my bed.. There is leobard pillow and sheets and everything. Whos bed is this? Oh right. My boyfriends...
"Morning sweety~" Says the handsome face who walked in room with t-shirt and boxers on. "Well good morning Handsome" I answerd. He come to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed. "Naw~" Said the blond messy haird man.
"Hey! Thats not nice. I blush when ever I wanna blush!" I said back and turned my back at him. "Oh yeah?" He asked and lifted his shirt up and make me look. I blushed eaven more.
"HEY!" I said and turnd back and pulled the planket over my head. "Stop teasing me~ its not nice" I said.
"C'nom. I know you like that. Come out." He said.
"No" I answerd.
"But I dont like to see you mad" he answers to me.
"Thats your own-"
"HEY LOVERS! GET DOWN HERE!" Said the voice downstares.
"Sh*t. Why did we ever give Matt keys to this house?" Asked the blond next to me. I pulled the planget off me.
"It was your idea so you tell me." I said to him.
"DOM! [Inser tour name]! COME DOWN!" yelled Matt again. Yes Dom Howard is my boyfriend. "Yeah Yeah! " Dom yelled back.

I put on Doms big t-shirt and walked downstares with Dom. "What is so inportant you did have to brake in our house?" Dom asked.
"First of all you give me this key so its not a brake in. And secend of all its my day off and I didint want to be alone. So I came here cuz here are you people and then I dont have to be alone. :3" Dom give Matt a angry look.
"Dude. I said that key was for ims ONLY so-

" I look at Doms face and smirkd a bit

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" I look at Doms face and smirkd a bit.
"Hehe" I said quietly.
"What? Why? This is a ims and I want to be wit-" Matt started "No" Dom answerd
"Bu-" Matt tryed to say
"No" Dom said.
"Stil- " Matt tryed again
"N O. NO!" Dom said with very angry look on his face. This is wierd. He dosent get this mad at Matt ever.. What is this all about..?
"Well fine" Said Matt after a little silence.
"I'll go. Sorry for bothering" he said sadly and walked away.

After the door closed I started talking
"Why where you so mad at Matt? This isint the first time he has done this and maybe not the laest one."
"No matter. He really gotta stop that" he answerd a bit nongiving a fu*k voice. I didint care cuz he is gone anyway. I walked in kichen and started to make food. Bread and applejuice.

Dom didint come.
"Dom?" I asked.
"Dom~?" I asked again. Why didint he answer? I walked around and didint find him.. Finally I look at the laest room. His drumm-room.

I opend the door and my eyes went wide open.
"D-D-Dom?" I asked and run to him. There he was stab in his belly. And blood everywhere.

Then someone grabed me behind and put his hand over my mouth. "Hyss lady~ No-one want to hear your shouts." I know that voice. Thats my.. My step-brother. Why would he do this? I know he had a crush on me but this? This is just messedup..

I cant stand this! He is bleeding and I can do nothing. NOTHING! I ribbed myself out of his arms and tryed to speak to Dominic
"Dom. Dominic? Dominic James Howard!?" he has passed out of all the blood he has lose..

I started to cry and tryes to get out of the room to call ambulance. But my step-brother was in my way. I was face to face with my step-brother
"Sal. Move out of the way. Out of the way now! " I yelled tiers all falling down my face.
"You look beatyful when you cry did you know?" he said with odd smile in his face.
"NOW!!" I yelled eaven louder with angry shade in my voice. I wont lose him. No. Not now. Not like Ray. NOT LIKE RAY!
"Whats the matter? Has prinsess lost his lips-stick? You shoud get a reall man like me. Not a blond bitch!" he said allmoast shouting. "Move! Just Move please!" I said lowering my voice when I look at all the blood what was on floor. I hystericly cry and fall down on my knees. He is gone.. Really gone...
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? IM JUST AS GOOD AS DOM!! " Samuel shouted and started crying too. He took a gun out of his poket.
"Fine take him. But ill take you" he shot me in arm and then him self in head. I cryed eaven more. I put my hand at the point he shot.

I heard Matt coming in at front door and said
"I'll just take my coat and go!"
"No..NO! NONONO!!" I shouted and he run at the door
"Wha-?" He started but ended and call 911. I lookd at my arm when he was at the phone.
"Why all ways me? What have I done?" and moved my hand to see how bad was it. Bad.

"T-The ambulance is on his way. It wont least lo- long." Matt said. Thats all I remember. Then I passed out.

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Wow. This story didint suposty be like this. But it just come so here it is. Hope you.. Hate this story..

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