Chapter 11

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Mya pov

August wasnt in school for a few days and i miss him a whole lot. He hasnt call and its drivin me crazyyy.

He's the only person who's a guy thats close to me and that i like so much.

I miss him.
Thats whyyy ... Becca is gonna drop me by his house today. I finna check up on bae. I mean August.

We were on our way there now.
I'm happy and nervous dont ask me why. I mean i havent heard of him in a week.

Wait what if he doesnt like me anymore ?
What he got tired of me?
Was bringin him to church too much ?
I didnt mean it in a bad way ..
Maybe he doesnt do church girls...
Maybe that girl from the bathroom was right...

I suddenly felt down and discouraged.
"Please dont tell me your second guessin goin to August house" rebecca said.

"No way Mya you're gonna go and talk because i am not gonna hear you groanin that you miss him all day again , No!" I have been doin that without actually realizing it but can you blameee mee!

I smiled broadly . "No, i wont turn back" i huffed. She was suriously irritated then.

"What are you even afraid of ? Its August"

I shrugged "what if he doesnt feel the same ? I brought him to church and ever since he hasnt shown himself"

"Myaaa, maybe something came up and its takin up his time"

Sigh."maybe your right"

I suppose we pulled up at his house because the car slowed down to a stop.

"Alright mya we are here , need help getting out ?"

I shook my head "nah i got this"
I remember how we walked up to his door so i followed the same steps.

I knocked and waited for August to open the door.

"Hi good afternoon , how can i help you?"
I heard this female voice and instantly i felt my inside melt.
"Oh-um i -uh i was looking for August but uhm i'll come another time"

I knew it i just knew it!! Why would somebody be interested in a blind christian girl ?! Hmm why?

I know rebecca was still there i could hear the car engine.

As i was walking close to it i hear my name "Mya? Whatchu doin hea ?"

"I came to check up on you but it seems like your busy" i feel my heart breakin slowly. I continued walking to the car. "Wait wait Mya ! Hey what's wrong ?" I could hear concern laced in his voice but i didnt want to hear it. I just wanted to go home.

"Nothing, just go ahead with ya life August" i sighed "maybe the girl from the bathroom was right.. why would you want someone like me , i'm blind religious and i probably nothing compared to all the girls you like" i felt for the handle of the car to open it.

"Mya - what the hell! I'm so confused, why you acting like this ?" I pulled open the door. I didnt know what to say anymore so i just shook my head and entered the car. Rebecca drived off.

"You should've gave him the chance to explain Mya , that wasnt cool"

"Give him the chance to tell me a lie ? I know you saw the girl who open the door Rebecca"

"Yea but you nev-"
"Can we not talk about this" i cut her off.

I entered my house and closed the door.
"Mya" oh my gosh. Could this get any worse? Jesus take the wheel.

"Not now dad" i proceed in reaching for the railing to go upstairs to my room.

"Mya we're gonna have to talk at some point" i rolled my eyes.

"Dad look whatever happened i'm over it okay we dont have to talk about it anymore alright. Its in the past now. Its whatever, you forgot about me dad , but i mean c'mon who wouldnt forget the blind girl right?"

"Mya" his voice was thunderous.
"Look dad its okay , its whatever i'm tired and i would like to sleep"

"Mya i never forgot about you"
"Uhuh sure thats why you didnt call me in 5 years right?"

"Dont use sarcasm with me Mya"
"Look we'll talk another time but right now i am really tired"

I could hear him sigh"yea okay"
I proceed in going up to my room and locking the door. Becca would be coming over later so atleast i would have some time to myself.

I was knocked out when i heard something hit my window. I jumped up in fright.

Ah..maybe it was nothing man. As i was about to drop sleep i heard it again.

Oh snap. I shook becca awake. She groaned"what?"
"You dont hear that?" She sat up straight.
"Hear what ?" Then the sound happen again.

I felt her tense. "Oh my gawd ...oh my gawd.. what if its freddy .... the mans a psycho.. we goin die if its freddy"

I gave her a look that said 'what?' "Freddy couger is not real."

"Says who ?!" She yelled i slapped my forehead. "Oh my gosh.. you are impossible." I felt for my window and i opened it. "Becca check what is hittin the window"

"Why me?"
"Rebecca you are being a coward right now"

"Says the one who runs from roaches" she retorted. "Really? It was a flying roach!"

"C'mon and check it out"
I felt her come closer to me and opened the window.

"Oh hell-nigga what is you-oowww!"

"What? what's wrong ?" What the hell.
"This fool..!"
"Sorry" i heard his voice from outside.

I stuck my head outside the window. "What are you doing here?"

"You goin let a nigga in ?" Oh wow. Why was he even here .. waisting his time.


"C'mon Mya it wasnt even fair that you didnt let me talk" he replied

"He's got a point , jussayin, how would you feel if i accused you of something and didnt give you the chance to explain?" I sighed thinking about what she said. She did have a point.

"There's a ladder at the back of the house but you gotta be quiet , my mom is home"

What yall think ? What you think goin on with August ? Please comment!! I wanna hear your thoughts if not please votee!!!!!!

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