Hi there good day to all of you, i want to share to you this article about the bridge that we used to connect with our loved ones, our friends and even every person that you will know for the first time in the world we called "cyber world". This bridge i'm referring to is called the "internet", a very useful tool in bridging every people on earth and even perhaps accross the galaxy because this is the new generation of communication. This internet replaces the old telephone, the so called post mail or snail mail, telegraph or we called it here in Manila as telex, two way radio or walkie talkie, the beeper, S.O.S and other means of communication then around the world.
Why is that internet is most important nowadays? Well, no one can argue when i say internet is a must in business communication not only for the means to improve one's economy, also to households because if you want to deliver news the fast way to your family or friends, it is the internet that you will use because they say"internet is the gateway to multimedia and journalism". Next to mobile phone in delivering news or in chatting, it is the internet that makes us connected. For me in instance, i'm using the internet in daily basis not only to use it to submit post here in Bubblews but also to update my other social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, linked and the like and also to view my e-mails, that is where i know my reports and updates in my job. There are many use of internet in our life, some says it ease our life's work specially in delivering good news and to share some useful ideas, tips and guides that can change our perception in life. Through the internet we are able to watch videos from around the world, we learned a lot through tutorials, most coming from you tube and through internet we are able to share insights, tutorials, views and we are able to earn for a living. I think some people are hooked up in using internet that they forgot the world that they once knew, the simple world of no internet, i guess they would't mind such consequence of using the net if it can broaden their mind and can spare them some means of earning. By the way do you have an idea where internet came from?
The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that used the standard internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) or transmission control protocol/internet protocol to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consist of millions of public, private, academic, business and government networks, of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of eletronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services such as the interlinked hypertext of the world wide web known as "www.", the infrastructure to support e-mail, and peer to peer networks according to wikipedia. They said that the origins of the internet reach back to research commissioned by the United States government in the 1960's to build robust, fault tolerant communication via computer networks.
Report said that almost 500 million photos are uploaded everyday, the report also said that China is leading the digital charge that is why they have invented this so called supercomputer which was in the news two years ago, until now i don't know for what purpose they will use it. Hope that it is for the benefit of the people and for economy not for the means of violence. Yet internet for such a vital cog in economy and self awareness as well for communication, it has a disadvantage as well, there are also terrorist in the web called hackers, keyloggers, spywares and the like. If the user of the computer and the net will be aware of that and have sufficient knowledge in combating such attack in the web, this threat will be avoided. Such user must be guided accordingly in using the net specially those youth and the grown-ups(our grandpa's and grandma's) who want to use this means of communication.
A good education in using computer and the internet will help a lot in spreading good news and not using it to disrespect others, doing such malicious advertisement, influencing in commiting such crime and inadvertently stealing such property rights. This kind of activity will never be tolerated and such harsh punishment will be served on such evil act. We have to use this innovative tool called the internet to bridge gaps in communication, sharing ideas and knowing the news around the world for the better of the society and for the benefit of world in peace and harmony. Let us cooperate and respect each and every rights no matter what race, color, ideals and religion we have, for this bridge will connect us forever as long as there is a network of good people.
Credit goes to the author of the image i used and my reference, thank you and happy reading.
image source/reference: blog.slideshare.net/2013/05/29/the-state-of-the-internet-good-bad-or-somewhere-in-between/
reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet