I found her

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Jacks PoV
I carried Rapunzel to her house well our house and saw everyone still there when I opened the door there heads quickly turned to me

Elsa: oh my gosh where was she
Jack: up in a treehouse crying
Anna: oh my gosh
Jack: I'll put her to bed
Merida: okay

I walked upstairs with Rapunzel in my arms and laid her down in our bed and put the covers over her and kissed her forehead and left the room then I walked downstairs and saw everyone

Jack: hey
Flynn: she okay
Jack: yeah she's asleep still
Merida: did she have anything in her hand

Jack: er yeah this (gives them the note)
Anna: she still has this
Elsa: wouldn't you
Anna: yeah but she said she moved on
Jack: what is it
Merida: when rapunzel's mum died she wrote her a note

I read the note and I felt so sorry for Rapunzel she has been through a lot and she has no one to turn to except the girls but she needs someone who can give her advice like what a mother would do I know I'll ask her in the morning and if she wants to then I can ask my mum

Elsa: well we better go come on Flynn
Flynn: okay say sorry to Rapunzel for me

Jack: okay I will
Hiccup: me too
Kristoff: and me
Jack: will do
Anna: bye Jack
Jack: bye Anna
Merida: bye frost
Jack: bye red head

Me and Merida laughed and then she walked out the door see we call each other names but not in a mean way just to have a little joke

Jack: bye guys
Rest: bye Jack

They walked away I closed the door and cleaned up then I went into my room and got changed and got into bed and saw Rapunzel still sleeping
End of PoV

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