Spend the day in bed

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Rapunzel PoV
I woke up this morning to the sun shining through the curtains I looked around and saw I was in my room last time I checked I was in my old treehouse then I remember Jack coming and told me everything was gonna be fine of course I trust him but sometimes I get a feeling that he is gonna leave me for someone who is better looking than me but that's just a thought but it could come true I was arguing with myself about if Jack is gonna leave me but I stopped when I heard jacks voice

Jack: Rapunzel you okay
Punz: please don't leave me
Jack:(confused) what
Punz:promise you won't leave me
Jack: I promise
End of PoV
Jacks PoV
What is going on with Rapunzel I say morning to her and she replies with 'please don't leave me' I won't ever leave her wait is she arguing with herself again

Jack: Rapunzel
Punz:(looks up) yeah
Jack:are you arguing with yourself
Punz: maybe
Jack: well don't
Punz: but I get these doubts

Jack: Rapunzel frost I will never ever leave you because you are the love of my life and in my eyes you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen so stop doubting because you know I won't ever leave you

Punz:(looks down) sorry
Jack: promise you won't doubt yourself anymore

Punz: I promise
Jack: good now I'm making pancakes
Punz: my favourite
Jack: I know
Punz: what are we gonna do today
Jack: I don't know what do you wanna
Punz: I don't know either
Jack:let's just stay in the house
Punz: yeah more like bed
Jack: spend the day in bed
Punz: sounds good

That's the plan me and Rapunzel are gonna spend the whole day in bed obviously we will get out of bed if we need to use the toilet, get something to eat or get something to drink but besides that we will spend the whole day in bed

Punz: you okay
Jack: I'm good
Punz: okay
Jack: want to watch a movie
Punz: yeah
Jack: what movie
Punz: erm Aladdin
Jack: you sure
Punz: I'm sure

I put the disc in the DVD player and then sat next to Rapunzel
End of PoV  

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