A Demon's Light

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A Demon's Light

I reached out into the darkness. My body ached. I yearned for my young master but he was gone. Something wrapped around my waist. A deep voice called out to me. "Sir?" it called. I opened my eyes to see. A man with raven hair and blue eyes, he had one hell of a jaw line. He was something of pure perfection. "Are you alright?" he asked still holding me. I couldn't find the words to say. This human had taken my breath away. He smiled "Can you understand me?" he asked, his masculine voice full of concern. I melted into his arms. I nodded answering his question. "What's your name" asked the angel. "Sebastian Michaelis" I managed to reply. The angle smiled at me once again. "I'm Andy Biersack" he said, his blue eyes fixed upon my face.

Andy's POV

I found this man with black hair standing at the top of a cliff. 'Why would anyone want to end their life?' I though as I sprinted towards him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him away from the edge. "Sir?" I called. He opened his eyes to revel a beautiful deep hazel. I was lost in his eyes for a moment. His onyx hair had fallen in his face. His skin was so pail and unblemished. The man was gorgeous, somebody I'd ravish in seconds. "Are you alright?" I asked. I didn't get a response. He seemed to be elsewhere. I gave him a warm smile for reassurance. "Can you understand me?" I asked. My emotions leaked into my voice. He gave me a nod. "What's your name?" I asked longing to hear the voice he had kept hidden. I waited a few seconds before he spoke. "Sebastian Michaelis" he said. His voice rang through my head. It was heavenly. I smiled happily. "I'm Andy Biersack" I said wondering why such a beautiful man would want to die. "Come with me" I said taking his hand. I took Sebastian back to my place, sat him down and asked him "Why?" He gave me a puzzled look. "Why, Sebastian?" I asked slightly more firmly.

Sebastian's POV

He grabbed my hand and dragged me. How odd it was that a demon was being told what to do by its food. I found myself being pushed down into a black leather arm chair. Andy sat opposite me. His eyes filled with so many emotions. I just wants to kiss him right there and then. "Why?" he asked me with a grim smile. I was confused why what? "Why, Sebastian?" he asked firmly. I looked away from him. "Why did you..." I cut him off "I have no purpose without my young master" I said looking at the wooden floor. I felt something wrap around me. "Sebastian you have a purpose" Andy struggled to say. I knew that jumping off the cliff wouldn't kill me but Andy didn't. "Andy?" I was confused by the emotion I was feeling. It felt warm and cold at the same time. It made me want to laugh and cry, this feeling. Could it be love? Nonsense I'm a demon, I don't feel love. "Sebastian...I create music to help people who are just like you" Andy whispered bent down in front of me. Our faces only inches apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face. "I will save you, Sebastian" Andy said placing his hand on my face. My face moved closer to his on instinct. We stared deep into each other's eyes, our faces practically touching. He pressed his pink lips against mine. Our lips danced in a passionate kiss. I could feel Andy's hands wondering my chest. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance, which I denied. He bit my lip. The normal stuff isn't going to work I thought as his hands ran through my hair. I bit his lower lip. While his mouth was parted I made my move and slid my tongue in his mouth. That's when the battle for dominance began. I wasn't going to back down easily. We ended up having to pull away for air. A trail of saliva connected us. He was sitting on my lap. His top was thrown long ago. "Sebastian I promise I will become your light" Andy said brushing his lips against mine.


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