「4th period」: itona's time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

season 2 episode 3

'I've got a bad feeling about this.' I thought, watching that kid enter the trap they set as he attempted to kill Korosensei.

"Itona!" Fuwa, Nagisa, Kayano and Terasaka exclaimed as we ran up to Korosensei and the man in white.

This wasn't looking good at all. And as much as I wanted to ask who they were, we had to focus on things that mattered. Like whether or not they'd be able to kill our target.

"First we make drastic changes to the field. Then we attack. Easier to confine him first then strike. I've taken a page from your tactics, you see" the guy in white explained slowly, as we heard Korosensei's voice quiver.

"Shiro!" Terasaka shouted, "So you were behind all this?".

"Exactly" the person who I assumed was Shiro said smugly, "Once that creature starts loosing his students' trust, his movements grow panicked. Even if things seem a little off somehow, he'll dive right in, the fool".

'So he predicted things quite well, huh?'

From the looks of it, it seemed like Korosensei was truly struggling. Well, of course he would be. He can't hurt his students, even if they'd do anything to kill him.

If he won't die from this, I doubt any of us could kill him alone. This'll be a hard job on my part.

"Dammit! That's our kill!" Terasaka cursed.

Fuwa exclaimed, "Why do you always play so dirty?".

When it comes to reality, though, everything that would accomplish the mission would go. It didn't matter whether or not we were playing dirty.

My classmates' faces were filled were anxiety and frustration, yet Karma still gave a calm look of seriousness and a slight irritation.

"It's called 'being an adult'" Shiro answered.

"What Itona has on his tentacles there, are gloves with sharp edges made of anti-Sensei materials" he added, explaining those weird things on the other guy's tentacles. "Every time their tentacles touch, the creature's bare tentacles will continue to take damage. Seems like that's not enough to finish him off, though".

"I won, Nii-san" Itona told him as we watched the octopus get dragged by him before being throsn back to the cage. "By killing you, I'm solving just one problem: I'm proving... my strength!".

I knew it, this guy freaks me out. Somehow, I saw myself in him and I didn't like the feeling it at all.

At this point, the frustrated look on his face after attacking Korosensei said otherwise.

"Yes, very well done, Itona-kun!" Korosensei commended him. And from the tone of his voice, it seems like he's caught up. "If this were before the first term, you may very well have killed me. But your attack pattern is a simple one".

The kid paused for a short moment, as the octopus kept talking. "No matter how fast you are, no matter how strong you are, no matter how many schemes your guardian thinks up, no matter how easily I freak out, by our third fight, I can see and adapt to your patterns".

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