Chapter 19: Operation Steal The Wand (Part 1 of 3)

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Welcome back! I hope you are all excited! This chapter is going to be very interesting! I know I enjoyed writing it! Love y'all!

Mabel's POV

I woke up extra early this morning so I could leave before anyone noticed. Also because I didn't feel like having to talk to Dipper or anyone in fact.

I got changed and tiptoed out my room. As I headed downstairs and approached the front door I heard someone.

"Mabel?" Someone coughed.

I whipped around and saw no other then Ford, the "smart guy".

"What?" I asked.

"What are you doing up this early kiddo?" He laughed.

"Could ask the same to you," I said dryly.

"Oh," Ford cleared his throat, "I was up late fixing that wand, I'm worrying that Dipper is acting like its his duty to fix it. He won't relax, so I'm taking the day off and maybe he will too,"

Perfect, now Tom and I can steal the wand without them interfering!

"You know what, I think you and Dipper, should go out! Do something fun together and get out of the shack!" I suggested.

"I wish," He sighed, "People are going to be mighty confused when they find out Stanley isn't Stanford and that he's alive,"

"The people in this town are to oblivious to notice," I informed him.

Ford laughed, "You may be right, I guess I'll tell Dipper when he wakes up that we're going out,"

I gave a smile, but not for the reasons he thinks. With him and Dipper out the house, Tom and I can easily steal the wand.

"Well Mabel, I better take a nap," Ford walked over to me and ruffled my hair, "You're a good person Mabel, don't let anyone change that."

He walked off.

I stood there for a minute. Was this wrong? Am I wrong? Stealing is wrong, but I'm doing it for the greater good. Right? Or I thought I was.

Maybe I am selfish. Dipper may be right. I'm just an annoying, selfish brat that gets what she wants whenever because I'm "nice".

Or maybe, Dipper is just a jerk. What's so wrong with sacrificing for others? He can't blame me for all the things he's done. If he doesn't want to help me then we doesn't have too. I never forced him to be the martyr.

It's final. I'm stealing the wand. I'm helping Tom.

I walked out the door feeling more confident in my decision. Tom is going to be so happy when he hears about what I did. We can finally steal that wand. Tom can finally be with Star. I can finally be recognized as more then some naïve little girl.

Tom's POV

I was sitting on a park bench that I was previously sleeping on. Let me say, not many people are open to letting a demon in their home. Also, I don't have enough money for a decent room in a motel.

I just wish I haven't done all this. All this mess with Bill has been driving me insane. He always wants more. No matter what I do it's never enough. And he's rather impatient. He wants things done in his timing and his only. I wish I could back out, I really do. Bill has totally threw me on Rollercoaster Crazy, but I really want Star. I don't care if I'm suffering. I want Star back. I'm better then that stupid Marco, and I deserve her. What's so great about Marco anyway? Can he make some really good nachos? Yes. But did he drive himself insane, piss people off, and lose friends just to make a perfect night for the girl of his dreams? No.

I sighed. I would do anything to have Star with me right now.

"Hey Tom!" I heard a perky voice call.

At first I thought Star, so I was slightly disappointed to see Mabel running towards me. But maybe it was for the best.

"Mabel?" I said alarmed.

"We can finally do it!" She said excitedly.

"Do what?"

"Get the wand! Today! We can get the wand!"

"What? Seriously!" I said suddenly excited now.

"This is wonderful isn't it!"

I smiled, "It really is, thanks Mabel."

Once again that guilt came back. I hated that feeling. Mabel was such a sweet girl, how could I use her like this? Is it really using though? She's getting something out of it, so I'm technically helping her. It's going to suck when I take the wand and give it to Bill in the end though. She has to understand why though. She had to know I'm doing in for love.

"Well Mabel," I stood up, "Looks like we have a wand to steal."

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