There was this girl in my class called Hatsune, she was really shy, she never sat next to anyone in class, she never talked to anyone, She had a crush on the prettiest boy in our class he was called Naruto, Well I couldn't blame her, he is gorgeous (but he was my boyfriend sooo) But one day the class was talking about what good weapons to use in battle. She said guns, My teacher asked if she knew any, and she named about 10 of them. I was really shocked because she had never spoken in class. then she reached into her designer bag to grab her pen. Suddenly I saw a gun in her bag. I screamed SHE HAS A GUUUUNNN, EVERYBODY RUNNN!!!!
everybody ran in terror, Hatsune pulled the gun out and aimed at me, she pulled the trigger, However Naruto jumped in front of me and the bullet hit his arm. he fell to the floor on pain. Hatsune was so frustrated she dropped the gun and ran out of class into the toilet.....