I'll Save You

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2011 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Unedited, first draft

She watched him as he strutted past her, smirking as girls fawned and followed him. She was invisible to him, but she was used to it. First year, they were best friends. Right before he left his normal cold grey eyes seemed warm as he told her he loved her more than a friend. She was ecstatic since she felt the same way. He stole her first kiss, but she didn't regret it. She used to be lively with him around, until summer happened.

He left saying he couldn't wait to see her again in the fall. But she wouldn't come back. Instead her parents would take her out of the private school and into a public school since it was cheaper. That was about the time the abuse started. They wanted her to be better, better than what she was. She knew in her heart that she wasn't, but she still had to try to stop the pain and the punishment.

Her grandparents died and her parents came into money, sending her back to her private school—her seventh and final year at the school. Then after, she would be free. Free from the pain, free from the hatred. She could escape and wouldn't have to come up with bogus excuses to teachers and classmates about the bruises and cuts.

She was terrified of going back and seeing him again. Murphy Doyle, the boy that still held her heart. He was of Irish descent with cold grey eyes and light blond hair. He had a long face and a smirk that could make a girl melt. He didn't have to smile to make her melt. Rian O'Dell could melt just by seeing him. The moment she saw him after six long years, she was shocked by his appearance and mannerisms. He became extremely good-looking and grew up rather well.

She grew up rather well too, with high cheekbones and soft lips. She had chestnut hair with emerald eyes that popped against her natural sun kissed skin. The bruises that lined her face and body made her feel less beautiful than she really was. Her skin was abnormally pale from the lack of food and sleep. Her exuberant eyes held depth and harshness to them and her chestnut hair seemed dull and lifeless.

Regardless of her home situation, she still had a kind soul and a warm heart. She wanted that boy that she fell in love with six years ago, but it was obvious he was long gone. Instead, he was a cocky, egotistical playboy, who relished in the attention from the girls.

It was unclear whether Murphy saw Rian or not, if he did he made it seem as if she was invisible to him. Rian's heart ached for the love and touch that he used to give her, but knew that there was no hope. How could he ever love someone like her, the poor broken abused girl who couldn't fight to keep her head above water?

He could do better, that was one thing she knew.

She moved out from underneath the tree from where she watched him. And clutched her books to her chest, keeping her head down as she ran for lunch. Today, she sported a black eye courtesy of her father and a few bruised ribs from her mother. 

No one paid attention to her; she did her work and kept silent. She couldn't talk at home, what was the point of making an effort at school? Deep in her heart she desperately wished that someone would pay attention to her, that someone would save her. In the back of her mind, she knew it would never happen, no matter how much she hoped and prayed.

She sat down at her usual lunch table, located in the back corner and that was always empty except for her. She let her hair fall into her face to cover the black eye, not that it mattered. She gripped the sides of her lunch tray, staring down at the mystery meat of the lunch. Her stomach turned and flipped from hunger, but also lack of appetite. She ate a few spoonfuls of mashed potatoes and even ate some of the meat. She ate about a fourth of the entire tray before realizing she was done.

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