Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Every Jedi knows that the Force works in very mysterious ways. It doesn't always make sense, but it always works out eventually. Sometimes, a resolution works out in days while other times in decades, as is the case with the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker.

Now, the Force wishes to right itself before everything goes wrong. Before the Sith win the war and the galaxy is ruled by terror for more than twenty years, and before their precious Chosen One chose the easy path of darkness over light.

In a time not yet shrouded by the dark side of the Force, the many Jedi across the galaxy feel a disturbance in the Force. One so powerful that even the untrained were hit with its strength...

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker was on Endor, watching his father burn in the small inferno he made. The sadness was already setting in. He sighed. "If only you didn't turn Father. If only..." the lonely Jedi muttered softly. He turned on his heel and walked into the forest in the direction of the party. He knew it was a few miles away, so he picked up a good pace and was there in about twenty standard minutes.

His twin sister Leia smiled when she saw Luke in the shadows. He gave her a small smile and waved. Before she could get there though, Luke looked over to see his old Masters, now one with the Force. They all smiled and old Ben cocked his head to the left. Luke glanced over in curiosity and his electric blue gaze widened in surprise.

A young man was standing there, looking sheepishly at the young Jedi. Luke's smile widened in recognition and waved. Obi-wan draped his arm over Anakin Skywalker's shoulders and just smiled. Leia then came up behind Luke and guided him out of the darkness and into the light of the bonfire.

Han and all his others friends saw them and came over. Since the events on the Death Star, Luke felt happy. His father was one with the Force, forgiven by Obi-wan, and, hopefully, sooner or later, by Leia. The only thing that he would have liked to happen otherwise was his father never turning to the dark side.

Many, many hours later, Luke Skywalker retired. Before he did though he went for a walk in the forest. It was thick, with animal life seemingly everywhere. Especially the bugs. In the distance, Ewoks, fuzzy bear-like creatures, were celebrating in the distance.

He sighed. "I wish I could go back in time and meet my father before this all happened." he whispered.

Unknown to him, the Force heard his plea. Before he could do anything else, he was surrounded by a blue flame and he disappeared from Endor.

Master Yoda was teaching younglings, his favorite pastime, when the disturbance hit. He winced as all the young Jedi-in-training looked at him.

"Master Yoda, what was that." a youngling asked.

"Know, I do not. Meditate on this, I will. Dismissed, class is." the small Jedi replied.

Slowly students filed out of the room, frowning slightly. "Hmm. Weird, this is. Centered around Obi-Wan and Anakin, this is." he thought aloud.

Just then the door opened and Jedi Master Mace Windu came in. "Did you feel that disturbance Master Yoda?"

"Felt it, I have. Centered around Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former Padawan, it is. Bring them back from their mission on Ansion, we must."

The tall human nodded and left for the communication chambers. Yoda sighed and started walking to his room to meditate on the matter at hand.

"Master, behind you! Vulture droids!" Anakin Skywalker, otherwise known as 'The Hero With No Fear', cried over the comlink.

"Anakin, I know! Not all of us do death stunts to get rid of droids you know." Obi-Wan Kenobi said calmly. The man was older and wiser than his partner and was known as 'The Negotiator'. "If you look closely, I was just leading it to a clone who could get them off my tail. You need to pay attention and let the Force guide you, my former Padawan."

The Knight in question smirked. "I was only telling you Obi-wan because I don't want to save you for the eleventh time. You are really good at getting into trouble."

Obi-wan groaned. "How many times do I have to tell you? The business on Cato Neimoidia doesn't count!" The Negotiator said while getting the vulture droids off the tail of his Jedi Star Fighter.

A few minutes later, the droid army started to slowly back away to Grevious's ship and, when all the droids had evacuated, the brigade jumped into hyperspace.

"It looks like they're retreating. We should really get back to the ship and tell the council the mission was a success and the Separatists are releasing the people of Ansion." Obi-wan advised. Anakin quickly agreed and headed toward the hanger doors of a republic ship. Just as their ships touched the ground, it hit them. The disturbance in the Force was so strong that the Jedi were almost knocked unconscious.

Anakin cursed in Huttese. "Whoa, Master did you feel that?" He inquired while jumping out of his star fighter and sprinting to meet his Master, who was beside his own.

"Yes," he admitted, "and it was coming from Coruscant." Both men frowned.

Just then a Captain Rex, a trooper, approached them. He was Anakin's right hand man, who went along with all of his plans no matter how crazy they seemed. "Generals, you are to come to Coruscant immediately as requested by the Jedi council." Rex said.

"Alright Rex. You're dismissed." Anakin ordered, trying to hide his happiness. He hadn't seen Padmé in what felt like lifetimes. He shook his head to clear his jumbled thoughts just as the clone saluted and left.

"Come on, let's go and see what that disturbance was. Hopefully Master Yoda knows what happened and all of this will be cleared up." Obi-Wan said.

"Always the optimist." murmured Anakin under his breath.

"What was that Ani?"

"Nothing Master Kenobi." he replied innocently, blushing slightly at the old name his mother called him. He quickly changed the subject.

"Beat you to Coruscant!" The younger Jedi jumped into his ship without waiting for a response.

"Fine, but this conversation is not over!" Obi-Wan called as he climbed into his own ship. They both exited the small hanger and connected to hyperspace rings a few meters away from the ship. They punched in the coordinates for the big city-planet that had become their home and jumped to hyperspace.

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