my wickedness ( one shot )

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My wickness

My nostrils flare as a warmth of a dark nature is invigorated within my soul as it violently cast away by devouring my liter side hehehehe how amusing the shrieks of my souls good side inhabits through my tenderly distorted heart. An aura of inimical taste veiled around mi as a delightfully twisted smirk gracious my profile ever so beautifully as the thresh line of sane and insane jock for position to grasp the reigns of lead. Hehehehe oh liter side you have no control over this astonishing sensation reach deep to the very depths of my loins as "I" peer through the filth of niceties. My eyes sharpen like that of a malicously preying snake. Sparking an almost sexual arousment its positivly euphoric. My skin ravaged by scales as my incisor,molars and all become menacingly sharpened dripping with a seductive venom my posture posed. As I slither wickedly in search. Of what you may ask hehehe more of who. Oh to cross paths with an ignorant sole gormless to my inner intents that sway mi to the very vibrations that speak to my brown/dark olive skin. Vamose a ver quien sera mi juego esta noche. As I go about with an empty expression incasing the treachery within the very pores that sweat with an exasperating lust. My eyes so lovely as the swivel casually observing quite insatiablly through the vividness of the setting evening. Who where when pls hurry arrive set your image in the scope of my sight I selfishly thought to myself. As time progress so did the amazing feeling nurturing within then like a strike of lightning my eyes seered through all in sight and casted on my prey. He was boyish with feminie accenting features with a typical self reserved tone. Loudly I said completely conscious that this area was souless completely isolated yet not suspicous "he's perfect!!!" The young boy startled applied a rather oblivous expression; leaping from my coiled position I lunged at him inducing my sedative venom. His world became darkened with only the clueless though as his security. His sweet body ever so smooth almost like a female fell limp within my arms as I blushed quite deeply. Hehehe we are going to have fun lad hahahaha! Quickly I dragged him to my abandoned living quarters further away whilst manipulating my trail. To the roof I took him. Allowing him the exclusive seat riddled with an ominous stains of darkened brown with an alluring stench that struck his nostril to awake. With a rag wrapped across his mouth ending in a knott behind his head. His eyes dilated surfacing in fright as his grogginess dissipated away quite rapidly hehehe is all I allowed his person to take in. I was in ratjer rushed state as my hearts arousment was proper and appropriate to boil over. I licked his cold sweaty chilled skin very disturbingly it shot chills up my vertabrates dispersing a lite yet deep moan hehehe I went behind him smelling his fera quite a delicacy it is hehehe gripping his head adjacent to mine I gave him the prestigie of a few whispered words "you are going to die" hehehe in a waltz I went to my curtain unveiling a rather fine katana drenched in the many stains of past victims. Its made a serrating sound as I removed it off its resting place. As it glared within his enlarged pupil another scent joined the fray,urine,the bodies respond to intense fear "oh my" I thought to myself. Finally attaching a machine to keep him from passing out disruptively. Yet not a helping hand when it comes to death hehhehe I allowd the tip to nick his arm as a sign of sharpness. His eyes winced as delcious tears trinkled down his innocent cheek. I stopped rushing with my tongue unfolding out latching on to this lovely tears. I exhaled in joy thinking to myself on how delcious they. Tasted. Then bluntly I pierced his arms clean and quick. My arousment was near its climax hehehe then again in his legs his restrained body spazzed unable to release. Haha how eloquent he suffered hehehe I drageed my katana down my tongued that my taste buds sucked in all the fresh blood emersing a rush of excite it was time. Over and over I slid through his flesh as each muffled yelp had mi in a state of orgasm. My eyes screamed in utter pleasure as the air was filled with my burning desire. The young boy was quite a pretty sight blood gushing streaming and casscading exhortingly. My neferious nature was being spoiled. The machine had begun a very striking faseltto shrill. My katana had ejaculated on this final blow as the valves of his innocent heary were sliced then crating a crater on his chest as I ripped his heart out. I panted deeply as sweat leaped of my skin. Looking in awe this dying and futile beating heart was so ambigous to my words. As I slid my katana off clutching it dearly I smiled warmly. Hehehe another souvineer. In a jar with preservites I laid it gently it was to gorgeous to harm further. I unlatched the dead body letting plummet into my pit as flames roared in a scorching fashion. "Bye bye lovely boy you were very very entertaining hehehe" I exhaled and laid on my roof dripping in the very memory of my recent action watching the stars. The smell of a freshly burned corpse cradled my nose. Heheheh "hey isn't that the big dipper".......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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