「9th period」: spy time

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student no. 11

             I wasn't too surprised when Karma asked me to assist him with his research on Iroha, but somehow, following the girl herself was a different matter.

"Nagisa-kun, you also want to figure out what she's really like, right?~" he asked me, most likely having something up his sleeve.

"Of course" I admitted. "But stalking her is kind of...".

"It isn't like we're going to do something terrible, we're only going to follow her" he spoke of it as if it wasn't a big deal.

"But, how will we find her? She has an afterschool make up session with Korosensei" I pointed out.

"No problem!" I heard Ritsu exclaim.

"Ritsu, you're in this too?" I took my phone out to ask, not knowing what face to make

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"Ritsu, you're in this too?" I took my phone out to ask, not knowing what face to make.

"I've already tracked her with a GPS! After all, I also programmed myself on her phone, just like what I did with everyone" the girl cheered. "All we have to do is track her after Korosensei's after-school session with her".

"You two are quite prepared aren't you?" I turned to Karma and sweat dropped.

"Of course~" the redhead smirked proudly.

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              Right after Ritsu pinpointed Iroha's location. We headed over, right on time to watch Iroha and Asano walk out of the building.

"You're late" the student council president noted.

"I had to take make-up sessions, don't ask" the girl told him off nonchalantly, seeming irritable.

"Hm, that's a first, since when did you attend those?" the Asano asked.

"Shut it. I've had a bad day" the girl snapped, her personality, changing completely.

'Does she have some kind of switch?,' I thought, surprised by the sudden change of character.

"Fiesty, aren't we?" Karma remarked as we watched from afar.

"I called it" Asano told her, "If you continued with that habit of yours, you'll definitely end up in the E Class. Look where it got you".

"Are you my mother?" she scoffed.

'This was definitely a switch of personality. I knew that she was faking the model student act, but it was as if her personality changed from an angel to a demon.'

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now