「18th period」: dinner time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

"Huh? Stay over?" I looked at Karma, and raised an eyebrow at his suggestion.

"Isn't it fine?~ It's pretty late and it would be dangerous for a girl like you to walk home like this" he told me.

"Karma, you know me. What danger could I possibly encounter?" I told him off.

"It's not you I'm talking about. I'm saying that it's dangerous for the people who'd encounter you~" He said with that typical smug look on his face.

"Why you---".

"Anyways, get changed and take a bath. I'll make dinner" he instructed. "Oh and when you're done with your bath give your clothes to the housekeeper, she'll have them washed overnight".

"But is it really fine for me to sleep over so suddenly?" I asked while he handed me a change of clothes. Damn, do I love oversized shirts.

"It's not like my parents are around. What about yours?" He queried.

"Ah. I live alone, they wouldn't mind" I told him, which silenced the guy for a moment.

"No wonder, you're such a bad kid~" he teased to which I just retorted.

"As if you're not" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just get on with it~" he waved me off.

"I got it. Try not to burn the food, okay, Karma-kun?" I said, with the same mocking tone in my voice as I placed on the best feigned smile I could put on.


I didn't want to admit it, but this guy was an amazing cook

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I didn't want to admit it, but this guy was an amazing cook. I was beginning to think that there was nothing he wasn't good at.

"It tastes delicious, right?" he smiled at me, absolutely being able to read my mind.

It's been awhile since I had homemade food. Everyday, I'd either have convenience store-bought food, instant ramen, or anything else pre-heatable.

"It's pretty good" I admitted, stuffing a spoonful in my mouth. This was a hundred times better than eating microwavable food alone. Even if it was Karma, his company was ten times better than eating alone. "God, I wish I can eat something like this at home".

"Let me take a guess, you don't know how to cook do you?" He asked me out of the blue, almost causing me to choke on the food.

He found it amusing,and by it I meant every single thing he could beat me at.

"I know how to" I lied, only for him to return the sick smug grin on his face.


"Liar, it's written all over your face. Reheating microwavable food or having instant food aren't considered as cooking, Iroha-chan~".

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at him. "I have my way with desserts but---".

"You can't cook" he finished.

I simply looked away, annoyed by the fact. Stop rubbing it off, bastard.

"Don't tell me you live off by buying food from the convenience store" he hit the mark.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?".

He smiled, the typical way he does when he's teasing someone. Ugh.

Ever since this guy became my tutor, he totally knows that he's got the upper hand. And boy, did this sadist enjoy his dominance.

"What surprises me more though," he said, as I enjoyed my meal. "Is the fact they allowed you to live alone, you know even if you don't know how to cook and all".

I grumbled before asking. "So what?".

"You're in junior high. I doubt any parent would allow their child, moreover their daughter, to live alone---".

"My parents don't mind it. Plus, they're always busy with work" I explained. "If anything, my guardian is the only one concerned. I can do what I want as long as they don't find out".

"Well that explains why you went juvenile or why you shut yourself in at home. In the first place, who lets their kid skip school to play video games for an entire day~" he smirked.

"Eh~" I tilted my head slightly, as I looked back at him. "From the looks of it, your parents are the same".

"They aren't workaholics. They just like traveling frequently" He stated as a matter of fact.

"Whatever" I finished my meal. "It's still alike".

"Speaking of which," he looked at me with a piercing gaze, "if I knew you were going to look that good in my shirt, I'd have lent you my clothes ages ago~".

I turned beet red at his comment.

"K-Karma, what the hell has gotten into you?" I managed to ask. "Since when were you one for pick-up lines?".

"Heh~ I'll just say this in advance, in case you don't know" his lips curled up into another one of his smirks.

"W-what is it?".

"Even if you're really good at hiding things, everything is written all over your face" he noted and I could've sworn I blushed a hundred shades darker.

He laughed, "You're actually embarrassed!".

"S-shut up" I twitched before placed my hands on the table trying to not die of embarassement. "Damnit. Just let me kill you. Ugh".

"Hahaha, how rare~ you blushed twice!" he continued his mockery, taking pictures of me with his phone.

I placed my face down on the table, until the guy stopped laughing.

"Relax~" he assured me. "It isn't that obvious, the only people who probably noticed are Okuda-san, Itona-kun, Nagisa-kun and me".

"For now~" he remarked with another smile.

"Bastard. Bastard. Bastard---" I kept on mumbling like an ongoing chant.

"Speaking of which, it's about time we go back to studying" he stated.

Wait, what?! No!

"Oh, and if I recall correctly~, Iroha-chan, you've been calling me some offending and vulgar names" he feigned his innocence once again.

"You're way of teaching is way more painful, you demon" I complained, my eyes dramatically at the brim of tears as this red headed demon continued his tormenting ways. "What time are we sleeping?".

"What are you talking about? You aren't going to sleep at all tonight. We're gonna spend the whole night studying" he gave me another smirk which made me cringe. "Better wish for luck~".

Oh believe me, I'm praying for a miracle.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now