May 16, 2016

12 1 0

Let's just start from the beginning of this thing I call my "Love Journey" . Well there was this guy (can't say his name for privacy reasons so let's call him..... Cal) well me and Cal would have been dating for a year on June 14. I had bought us bracelets (corny ik) for our one yr and well... 11 months in I'm sitting here thinking He's amazing I love him he's so dang perfect.. he loves me for me, right.... WRONG.  See well there were rumors going around about us and I guess he couldn't take it anymore but it really (REALLY) hurt. But what made it worse was the night before I had gotten jealous because he was worried about making a bad impression on this girl, I'm like but why's it matter when your dating me? But I didn't say nothing . He saw right threw me and knew I was lying and that I was jealous. But anyway the next day he broke up with me and then TWO FREAKING DAYS LATER I hear from a good friend of mine that he's with that chick. Her name is ( lets say ... Gail.) Well i did a little ... research got on the site he found her on and pretended to be a dude. Well come to find out, she don't live where we live she still lives in china / japan ( I don't remember) . So she's lying to him. But nah he ain't wanna believe me. Its cool though. After a few days I'm like kayleigh, be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve:) so... for now... I'm living the single life I guess... the sad part... if he asked me back out right now I'd say yes..... but otherwise I'm moving on. I guess things are what they are.. like mama said... sometimes you gotta kiss a few frogs before you find your prince.

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