Chapter 4 The Sea-Lion

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Dana woke up early. The sun was already quite high, though it never went fully down at this time of the year. She expedited breakfast. She would have plenty of time to get to the harbour before high tide. It was a good half an hour walk away but she was in no hurry, enjoying the peace of Rej's streets at dawn.

The town was designed with pedestrian paths at the front of the houses and cobbled streets relegated in the back, bordered by gardens gardens. All houses were built of lava stones with slated roofs, but chiselled frames and brightly coloured doors made each of them unique.

Dana mused around, admiring the exposed goods as the first shops were opening. Downtown, she stopped at a bakery and bought a box of still warm scones.

Once out, she inhaled deeply. The scent of the ocean was still noticeable, but the seaweed sting in it was not as pungent. The tide was getting in.

When she reached the harbour, a boat was already docking. She watched the crew throw a line and secure it.


She could see boxes and nets at the stern, and the night catch in baskets beside the mast.

Further away, a larger ship was entering the port. The Sea-Lion, built to carry goods and passengers across the hazardous northern seas, was fitted with exclusive Sha'tan technology, the high cones of spiral wind turbines powering the engines protruding from the bridge.

The Sea-Lion made her way safely to the quay and her passengers engaged on the gangway. Dana nodded to the first three soldiers, who saluted in return. She didn't know them, but it was customary. The fourth one though, she recognized with a hint of disgust. Pietr Vlassov. A professional soldier, well in his forties, although he appeared no more than twenty. A moronic hunk, whose irrefragable appetite for women and alcohol had prevented from ever being promoted. He didn't even have a place of his own, claiming they were too many beds awaiting for him in town. And there he was, carrying his shirt on his shoulder as he passed by.

"Land-Commander", he dropped, looking down at her.

Dana was not on a permanent contract, and her grade was worth nothing out of Helland. She would have to serve abroad as a professional soldier for ten missions to validate it, she was well aware of that. But she didn't appreciate a reminder from this pathetic excuse of a man.

"Well, thanks for noticing you have landed, soldier. Now, considering that I don't see any buyer for the meat you're displaying, would you mind wrapping it back into your uniform shirt until you are discharged from service?» she snapped.

Vlassov snarled. "A prude future whore, that's rich!" he hissed between his teeth.

Dana ignored him. He would be too happy to get a rise off her.

"Dana?! How nice to see you!"

"Sonia, welcome back home!" Dana hugged the slender brunette coming to her with a wide smile. Soni, Dana's former Unit Officer, had constantly encouraged her, and recommended her for Lieutenant promotion. She might have been slightly excessive in her praise, as Dana was made a Commander instead. Soon after, Sonia left to undertake a serie of missions on the continent. She was returning from the last one, escorting the daughter of the Duke of Burgondy to Occitania as a bride to the local Prince and heir. Under this cover, Sonia had been collecting informer's reports and writing observation notes.

"Are these my favorite pastries?" Sonia asked, noticing the box. "You know you don't need to bribe me to make me talk..."

"I thought I'd keep these hostage so that you'd follow me home..."

"Please don't crush them, I'll come willingly." Sonia pleaded, fighting not to laugh. "Let's find horses..."

Once seated in Dana's office, buttered scone in hand and a steamt cup of tea in front of her, Sonia pulled a leather bag from of her luggage and it out to Dana.

"Here are your reports. Truth be told, a lot of it sounds useless to me."

Dana smiled. "Every detail can be important. It's a puzzle, small pieces can make a big picture if you find where they fit. Could you give me a quick summary?"

"Why? Everything is in there."

"The facts are in there. I am interested in your opinion. Did you feel any unusual tension, anything odd? It's not your first trip, you could have noticed a difference."

"Let's see. In Burgundy everything was as usual. The locals either loathed us, feared us or worshipped us, but were not directly aggressive. The trip was uneventful, human highwaymen usually run the other way when they see us. We delivered the poor girl to her betrothed, the guy is cruel and paranoid."

Sonia sipped her tea, eyes unfocused. "On second thoughts, in Bordo... the officials were not on their usual behaviour, some were giving us weird looks... A bit as if they were going to pull a very nasty prank. But I could be mistaken..."

"Maybe, but it's always good to know. Anything else?"

"No. The return was pretty uneventful. I think I'm gonna head to my quarters now, if you don't mind, I am a bit wrecked."

"Of course, thank you so much for your time Sonia. Let me know if you need anything."

Sonia left, and Dana immediately started on the documents.

Within a few minutes, her face was showing concern. Elian's army had left Occitania and was travelling towards the Duchy of Brittany, still heading north. She could now only hope that his destination was Eire or the Brit Isles. Because if it wasn't, he was sailing straight for Helland.

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