12 Days of Insanity

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Chandler Fray was sitting on the hood of a black jeep behind her school building. She closed her eyes and sighed as she placed a cigarette between her lips and took a drag. Nothing made her relax like a cigarette did, so she always made sure she had two packs stashed in her pockets. It calmed her even now, when the dry summer wind was blowing everywhere, making her sweat instead of get cool.

Beside her, her half-sister, Sutton Harries, was on her phone, continuously texting a group of her friends. Each text had the same set of words : "Get here quickly, or we're ditching you". Her dark hair was blowing in every direction and it made her holy cross tattoo visible, at the back of her neck. She had another tattoo : a scorpion on the back of her waist.

"Where are they? It's been fifteen minutes," Chandler asked, looking at sister-plus-best friend with her dark eyes, lined with makeup. Sutton sighed and shoved her phone in her pocket.

"Liam said they're on their way. Apparently one of the teachers started asking why they were wandering around," Sutton replied and slid off the car. Chandler sighed and leaned back against the front window, taking another drag from her cigarette.

"There they are," Sutton said and waved toward the five male figures that were on their way towards them. The girls waited until the five splotches became more visible. Louis Tomlinson, dressed in his usual black t-shirt with a matching pair of ripped jeans grinned at them, which made little crinkles form beside his green-blue eyes.

"I texted you at least fifty times," Sutton snapped at Liam Payne, who merely shrugged his broad shoulders.

"Well, it turns out Zayn is a horrible liar and almost got us sent back to class," He replied and smirked at the black-haired boy next to him, who directed a glare at him as a reply.

"Thankfully, I saved us," Louis interjected, ruffling Zayn's fluffed-up hair and earning a whack across the head.

Zayn Malik rolled his dark eyes and looked at the blonde boy on his other side. "Got the tickets, Niall?" He asked in a deep voice.

Niall nodded and reached into his baggy pocket, pulling out seven tickets for Summer's Horizon. "Let's go, we might get caught before we even get into the jeep."

"I'm driving!" Harry Styles exclaimed and Louis tossed the car keys towards him. Harry caught it in his large hands and moved towards the car, his curly hair flopping around his head. He unlocked the driver's door and slid in, only to find his view blocked by a figure lying against the windshield. Her hair was splayed out, showing the tattoo at the back of her neck, spelling the word Burn. Harry rolled his green eyes and popped his head out of the window.

"Gonna get down, Chan? Or do I have to drive blindly while staring at your arse?" He asked. Chandler turned around and simply looked at him while everyone laughed. She hopped off the hood and threw her cigarette away, climbing into the jeep. Liam sat in the passenger's seat with the other five sitting at the back.

"Ready?" Harry asked everyone as he began pulling the jeep out of the school's parking lot and driving out.

Within an hour, they had reached a motel that almost looked abandoned. This was where Summer's Horizon was going to stay, apparently. It made sense, since the band was very unpopular. Zayn groaned as he climbed out of the jeep along with everyone else. They grabbed their suitcases and walked inside. Everyone waited in the dusty lobby as Liam and Louis checked them in. The group hadn't brought much money, knowing they wouldn't need so much. They brought enough for two rooms which they would share, and three meals a day for the next two weeks.

Chandler sighed, bored, and pulled out a newly-bought book, A Demon's Vile Darkness, and started reading. Sutton looked at her curiously, and then at her book.

"Are you sure you should be reading that? You know what it'd do to you," She spoke, frowning. Chandler looked up at her.

"I can handle it, trust me."

Sutton shrugged before Chandler spoke again, "What about you? How are the nightmares?" She asked in a hushed tone, making sure Zayn, Niall and Harry couldn't hear.

Sutton's teeth took her bottom lip in between them and she sighed. "Same old. Pills are helping, though." Chandler nodded and squeezed her sister's shoulder as Louis and Liam walked back to the five of them. The group decided to get a good night's sleep since the long drive along with the excessive amount of heat had sent them into exhaustion. Bidding goodnight to each other, Sutton, Harry and Zayn carried their things to the first room, while Chandler, Liam, Louis and Niall moved to the second.

Please note :

Summer's Horizon and A Demon'sVile Darkness are both made up. Thank you and stay tuned! x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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