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'Queeenie!'                                                                                                                                                                  His voice brought me back to earth and out of my imaginary wonders;I looked up at him giggling softly then swatted him with my english book playfully 'Queenie? really? why give me that nickname when you could call me Gorgeous or Beautiful or..', 'or four eyed geek' he grinned scuttling out of my reach.

I threw my bag down and rushed around the playbench to his usual timeout spot where he lay crouched trying but failing to hide from my eyesight.I slowly creeped up behind him,put my hand out and pinched his neck teasingly. 'Found you' I whispered to him,he turned around and stared right into my soul tearing it piece by piece with his glowing eyes; without thinking I pulled his tender hands into mine and kissed the stretched lifeline on his palm several times untill i came to my senses and realised what i was doing.

I let go abruptly feeling my cheeks turn on fire.I started shuffling around awkwardly thinking of something to say to break the tension between us.'I..I dont know what just came over me..' I finally said fumbling with my fingers and avoiding his gaze.I suddenly became aware of how close we were ,how close his face was to mine,how close our hearts were to becoming a whole.

Hazara CurlsWhere stories live. Discover now