Phan and Baymax

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Hey People! This is my first fanfic on Wattpad!  :D Before we start there are a few things you need to know :

Y/N: your name

F/N: friend's name

L/N: Last name

H/C: hair color

F/C: favorite color

E/C: eye color

H/L: hair length

Let's a go! ;-;

         "OMFG I am gonna miss you so much!" F/N yelled. "I can't believe you are moving to London, AND   being in a movie!" She hugged you tightly. "I know right? All my dreams are coming true!" You responded. "I really wish you were with me though!"

About a month ago you received huge news, The movie you auditioned for, Big Hero 6, much to your surprise, had given you a lead role! You accepted their offer, and decided to move to London, because it was being made there. Yeah, yeah I know Big Hero 6 wasn't made in London, just go with it. 

-Death Unicorn time skip-

Finally, you arrived at the London airport. The bright lights and people buzzing around you made you feel slightly claustrophobic. As you made your way to the baggage claim, you thought about how lucky you were.

Just a year ago you were dealing with the death of your dad and little brother in a car crash. As soon as they died your mother started drinking again. You remember the long nights you spent trying to keep her drunk self away from parties. Once she even hit you with a beer bottle. You still have the scar.

You jumped out of your flashback as your baggage went by you. Finally you caught up to it and grabbed it. Time to go pick up the car you bought last week.

- Time skip brought to you by Dil-

You stood in your apartment staring at your emty room. It actually was a really nice apartment, and you were happy that your moving boxes had already been shipped there. Now you needed to decorate. 

You finally found a box labeled BEDROOM. As soon as you picked it up you dropped it. "Shit!" You swore, dragging it down the hall to your room. You started unpacking it.

Finally, you hung your last poster, a Dan and Phil poster from their tour. You were a total Phangirl. Dan and Phil were your obsession. You watched their videos, wrote fan fiction, bought their merch, and followed every social media account they had. You were obsessed, and moving to London gave you a tiny chance of meeting them!

You flopped down on your f/c bed, and opened your laptop. "Yes!" You shouted. AmazingPhil had uploaded a new video. You clicked on the title "I'm in a movie!"

You watched it immediatly, curious about which movie he was in. "He's in BIG HERO 6!?!?" You yelled. Maybe you could actually meet him and Dan! You knew there wasn't much if a chance, but you could ask the director if he knew when they were recording! 

Tired, you quickly made dinner and crashed into bed. Normally you wouldn't fall asleep this early, but you were  having serious jet lag.

-the next morning-

You woke to your phone playing your alarm- a recording of Dan Howell singing RAVE TIME RAVE TIME!!! 

"Ugh." You moaned. The sun was too bright. Then you remembered, today was your first day recording! 

You quickly pulled your H/L H/C hair back into a bun, and pulled on a Fall Out Boy Tshirt, and ripped jeans. You slid on your sparkly black converse, and threw on some makeup. Then you grabbed your phone and ran out of your flat.

You marveled at the beauty of London as you drove. America was so different! 

Finally, you reached the recording studios, and headed inside the tall building. 

As soon as you got inside, you were greeting by a young woman around the age of 30. 

"Hello!" She greeted you. " My name is Sandy, and I am the directors assistant! You must be y/n!"

"Hi!" You responded. "Yes I am! Do you know where I am supposed to go?" 

"Well," she replied. " Your scedule is kind of confusing, so I printed out a sheet for you!" 

She handed you a piece of paper, and you thanked her. You read you scedule for the day.


Meet with director and get script.


Read script all the way through with other actors.


Lunch break.


Meet with sound specialists to figure out correct microphone settings, and tone pitch.




Start filming first scene.

"Ugh." You sighed. You had a long day ahead of you, and you were already exhausted. Eventually you ended up in the Break Room. 

You started brewing a cup of coffee, and reached over to get creamer when you collided with someone. 

"Oh shit! I am so sorry!" You said. "No, no, it's totally my fault." They responded. 

You looked up to see who it was you had collided with. As you looked up into the tall man's dark brown eyes, you freaked out. It was Dan Howell.

Diagnosis... Love. ( a Dan Howell x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now