Chapter 1

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My parents were sitting across from me in the living room. I couldn't help but smile whenever I look at them, and saw how happy they were with each other.

My parents mean everything to me, and I would never do anything to hurt them. I guess you can say they've raised a pretty fine young woman.

"Is everything okay, darling?" my mother asked looking concerned.

My mom is an artist, and she is always busy. She's a very loving person, but also very strict. I mean, she was the one who decided to home school me in the first place.

I quickly snapped out of it, and let out a small chuckle, "Of course! I'm okay, mom. I was just thinking about some... stuff".

My dad leaned forward with his right ear sticking out towards me, "What kind of... stuff ?"

My dad is an accountant, and sometimes he either works at home or at his office. He's also strict, but is sometimes more lenient than my mom. That's why when I have problems I run to my dad first.

I shrugged, "I was just looking at you and mom, and hoping that one day I can find someone who loves me as much as you love mom." My parents gave each other that lovey-dovey look and smiled.

"Well honey," said my dad, "one day you will find someone, and I will definitely make sure that he loves you just as much as I love your mother."

My dad kissed my mom, and I looked away in disgust. "Ugh, dad you know how much I dislike it when you kiss mom in front of me." They both ignored me and continued with their small pecks of love.

"Alright," my dad stood up from the couch and stretched out his long arms, "I just remembered that I have some work to finish, so I will be heading out now. I'll be coming back late, so don't wait up for me."

A couple of seconds later, my mom followed him and said that she needs to meet up with her coworkers, and finish up some designs.

"Did you finish your homework?" my mom asked. I nodded quickly, "Of course. I do nothing but stay home all day, so I might as well be productive."

I watched my parents get inside their own cars and went their separate ways.

Great, now what is there to do?

All of a sudden, I received a text from Sandy, my best friend.

Sandy: I expect you to be ready in 10. We're going shopping!

I laughed and shook my head at how bossy she is. She's always full of surprises. I threw my phone on the couch and went to my room to get dressed.


I grabbed my phone and decided to go outside and wait for Sandy to arrive. I didn't have to wait long though because that girl is never late- sometimes. I walked towards her car, and opened the door to the passenger seat where I slid in and sat down.

We both gave each other a tight hug. "I've missed you so much! How have you been? I haven't seen you ever since your parents took you away from me and locked you away in the house."

"Oh gosh, you saw me last weekend, Sandy." I chuckled slightly.

Sandy is my best friend, and we've known each other ever since elementary school until my parents decided to home school me. But, that didn't stop our friendship. She's very bubbly, and a good listener.

She snickered, "I know, I'm just joking! I can't wait to get to the mall so we can go shopping! I have to ask you something when we get there."

I began to look nervous. "Um.. why can't you just ask me no-"

"Patience! My dear, patience." she cut me off.

I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes at her. When we finally arrived at the mall, Sandy clung onto my arms like a little kid.

"Come on, I already know where I wanna go!" she said excitedly.

This was quite weird for me because Sandy was never sure where to go or what to get when we went shopping together. She dragged me into Mary's Dresses, and I was confused because I knew neither of us needed a dress.  Especially since we have nowhere to go.

"Sandy, why are we going in here?"

She ignored me and had already found a dress. Sandy placed the dress against my body, stared at it for a while, and then placed it back while shaking her head.

"Did you find a date for me?" I asked, almost scared.

She laughed. "What? Julianna, whenever I find a date for you, you're always saying how he's not your type. Remember that we have different tastes in guys."

That's true. I still remember when she had set me up on a date with a twenty year old, and I was only sixteen. I guess you can say that Sandy is more attracted to guys a couple of years older than she is. Definitely not my type.

"Then why are we here looking for dresses?" I asked getting impatient.

Sandy looked up at me with glowing eyes, "You're my date to homecoming!"

Ever since I've been home schooled, I've never attended a dance at a real school. Sandy was never interested in them, so she didn't talk about them much until now.

I leaned on the clothing rack and squinted my eyes a little, "Homecoming? When is it?"

"In two days." she said while looking through more dresses. "Perfect! I can totally imagine you in this one."

I examined the gold sparkly dress before grabbing it out of her hands. "Sandy, you know I need permission from my parents."

She nodded, "Oh, I know that. Want me to ask them for you?"

My eyes widened as I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Do you know how impossible that is to get a 'yes' from my parents? You know how they are, especially my mom."

Sandy chuckled, "Your mom is a tough one, but no worries. Leave her to me."

After we tried on the dresses that were picked out, we headed to the cashier to pay and then Sandy took me home.

Before getting out of the car, we discussed when Sandy was going to ask my parents for me.

"I'll come by tomorrow after school to let them know" she said while looking in the rear view mirror.

I nodded, and we both exchanged hugs before I got out and watched her drove away.

I let out a big breath, "My first homecoming dance. How exciting."


Hello my dear readers! I hope that you guys enjoyed the first chapter so far. If you have any feedback on how my writing is, please let me know by commenting. Also remember to vote! I am in the process of writing chapter 2, so stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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