She has his baby

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I woke up with the worst headache on earth. It hurt that bad to the point I was about to cry. Man. I drank too much last night. I felt sore down there too. Crap. What did I do last night? Who did I do it with? Man. Ughh. My head hurts....

I tried getting up and succeeded in doing even though my head hurts alot. I'm so not going to school today.... I tried sitting up and I barely succeeded. I groaned and looked to my side. I saw a note there with two pills and a glass of water.

I grabbed the letter. 'Here's a glass of water and two Advils for your headache. Your house is really nice but I like your room more Had fun with you last night. Hope you feel better. -A.B'

Who's A.B? What did I do last night? Ughh. My head hurts. I'll think about it later. I tossed both pills in my mouth and chugged the water. I looked around the room and found myself in my room. How'd I get home? I don't know but I needa shower.... I feel disgusting.

I got off my bed and made my way into my restroom. I was already naked so I knew I did something last night since my room smells like sex.

I had sex with someone I don't even know. Well this is weird. I need to check myself out. I entered my restroom and turned on the shower. I got the water on hot and jumped in. My muscles relaxed and so did my headache.

I love taking hot showers, it relaxes me alot, especially baths. I should've tooken one instead of a shower. Too late. I washed my hair and body feeling clean. I got out and dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me and left my restroom.

I entered my closet and grabbed my undies, bra, sweat pants and a Bazinga shirt. I love this shirt. I changed into my clothes and finally looked at myself from my mirror. I looked dead. I looked into my bright amethyst with bright icy blue grey around the rim and they looked dead

I saw something catch my attention and looked at my neck. My eyes widened and saw spots of purple blue bruises on my neck. Hickies. They were scattered on my neck. Holy crap. I looked down my shirt and saw more.

How many more do I have left? I lifted up my shirt and saw them below my belly button and on my abdomen. Holy crap. That's alot. I pulled my shirt back down and grabbed my concealer to cover the hickies on my neck.

I got them covered and used the powder cover up to cover the remaining and it worked. I left my room and went up stairs for something to eat. My mom was already up stairs looking ready to leave somewhere. When she saw me, she looked pissed.

"Why aren't you at school?" Mom asked me.

"Cause I couldn't sleep right and my back is in pain." I lied smoothly.

Moms pissed look softened at my lie. She always falls for it. I used to have a hard time sleeping and woke up with horrible back pain but now and then, I still wake up with back pain. She cooed at me.

"Awe. I'm sorry darling. Should I take you to the spa to get your back massaged?" She asked.

It was either go to the spa or have mom take the day off to massage my back. I always choose the spa cause I can leave the place and meet up with mom at Mickey D's. I always took it for granted so I can miss school and relax.

Jake and Nicole was jealous of me for that but it's not my fault my back aches when I wake up. I nodded at mom.

"Okay darling. Grab your shoes and I'll drop you off." She said.

I nodded and made my way to my room. I grabbed my shoes and phone. I pulled on my shoes and left my room. I walked down the stairs and found mom waiting for me at the front door. She locked the door and we got into her car.

She has his babyWhere stories live. Discover now