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Hey guys so I thought that I should start off the story with the little authors note cause my stories haven't really been very good in the past but you can expect an update every Saturday!

I was sitting quietly in the bustling office of my lawyer looking over the paperwork that I was filing. I was about to disown my parents forever, take my life savings, and run.
"Allisynn Dawson?" Said a woman sitting behind a large oak desk. "Mr. Jordan will see you now."
I nodded curtly and stood heading for the frosted glass door that lead into the office of Mr. Jordan. He was one of the best lawyers in California and he was a man I had trusted to keep my emancipation quiet. God only knows if my parents knew what I was doing they would lock me in the basemant and never let me see the light of day.
"Miss. Dawson please have a seat, now you do you understand once you sign these papers you are on your own your parents will not help you they cannot care for you you must provide for yourself." Said Mr. Jordan
"I am fully aware of the decision I am making, my parents have not provided for me thus far I have always provided for myself so please let us sign the papers and get it over with."
With only the few short sentences and a signature later I was finally free it was my life now all I had to do was escape.
I quietly walked out of the building and over to my beat up bike, I rode home through the crowded streets of the city down Maple Road and into the driveway of a tarnished house that was no longer mine. 
"Where the fuck have you been!" Said my father.
"The library studying" I replied.
"Did you buy more beer on your way home?"
Then I herd a smash and my father grabbed me from behind.
"That was your first mistake girl, I ask you to do one thing and you can't even do that," he held a broken beer bottle in front of me. "so now I'm gonna give you a little reminder of what happens when you disobey!"
With that he slashed the broken glass down my arm and into my leg, I screamed and screamed, so loud I hope someone called the cops.  He pushed me forward, and I stumbled falling to the ground, slowly with tears in my eyes I crawled to my bedroom door and entered locking it behind me.  That old man had just added to the hundreds of scars on my body that he had left over the years. I stood up carefully pulling off my ruined clothes and threw them into a trash can. Stalking into the bathroom I turned the shower on hot and stepped in letting the hot water cascade down my bruised and battered body, stinging the fresh cuts I had just sustained, scrubbing away the dirt and sweat was painful and as the heat soaked into my body it numbed the pain.  After turning off the water I stepped out wrapping a thread bare towel around my body, rubbing myself dry I tended to the cuts that were sure to leave scars when they healed. I dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a long sleeve faded blue shirt, I pulled on a pair of black socks and a pair of black heel height converse.
Yanking two suitcases out of my closet I proceeded to pack my clothes: (out fit link ~ (copy and paste the link into a search browser )
Yoga pants
Long sleeve shirts
T shirts
Tank tops
Extra jackets
a few books, sketch pads and pencils, my laptop, phone cords, and a few other personal belongings that had some value.  Last but not least I pulled up two of the wood panels in my floor and pulled out a large duffel bag filled with over 2.7 million dollars, before you ask if I robbed a bank the answer is no I held five steady jobs as well as school for the last four and a half years along with a few odd jobs like washing cars or mowing lawns.  It paid well and I was set to run away. I pulled on my worn leather jacket and dark grey beanie, strapping the duffle bag over my shoulder I tugged my belongings down the stairs and out of the house.  I needed to call a cab.
"Hello?" Said the operator
"Yes I need a cab to pick me up at the corner of walnut and west fifth Palm please hurry."
"Alright miss"
The dial tone sounded and within fifteen minutes there was a large yellow cab sitting on the street before me. I loaded my things into the trunk only taking a leather messenger bag with me containing enough money to buy a car.
"Where to sweat heart?" Spoke a young woman from the front seat.
"The closest car dealership around please."
"Sure thing."
She sped off into the night I checked my watch it was about 9:15 at night when we arrived at the car dealership. I handed the lady a twenty and shut the door of the cab pulling my luggage out of the car in the process. I swiftly walked into the brightly lit building and over to a desk where a tall boy who went to my high school was working.

"Hello, I know its late but I need a few things." I said politely.

"Allisynn ? What are you doing here?" he asked

"Hey Mat, I'm moving and I need a car and some new plates."

"What? Do you need me to call your parents?"

"No, I'm going alone. I filed for emancipation."

"Oh, well alright lets start with plates then where are you moving?" he asked.

"Just link them to my parents home I'll get new ones when I get where I'm going." I said.

"Okay done, they're coming out now, what about transportation?" he said.

"I was looking at a pickup, a black GMC preferably."

" Hmmmmmmm.... We have one in stock." Mat flipped the computer screen over for me to see.

" It looks perfect, how much?" I said quickly.

"25,500$" he said reading off the price. "We also pay for full insurance coverage for up to 4 years if you can pay in full the day you buy it." he read off the screen that was illuminating his face in the setting sunlight.

"Good, here this should do it." I said pulling two bundles of cash out and handing it over. "Keep the change."

"Now all you need to do is sign a few forms," he pulled out a pile of papers pointing to where I needed to sign my name. "There that was the last one."

"Can you print a new drivers license for me? I need an emancipation notice printed on the back."

"Sure thing on sec." he said walking over to a green screen and camera. "Just sit on the stool and smile."

I herd the click of the camera as it flashed and then my smile faded. The there was a whirring noise and a plastic card piped out of the camera slot.
"Thank you mat for everything you have done for me." I said.
"Do t mention it its my job, literally. Oh and by the way I had someone install the plates on the truck a few minutes ago and now your free to go..." He said handing me the keys. I grabbed the keys out of his hand, running to grab my bags before he showed me the truck.  I nodded silently to him and he walked out into the dim car lot and over to a sleek black four door pickup.  mat helped me load my bags into the back seat of the car.  Just as I was about to jump into the drivers side seat I heard the roar of a car engine that I knew all to well, it was my sperm donor, I jumped in panicking at the sight of his angry red face through the wind shield.  Hastily I shoved the keys into the ignition listening for the beautiful sound of the engine turning over, and the second it did I shot out of that lot so fast Neither of the men I left in the dust could comprehend what had just happened.  my heart pounding out of my chest as I sped off towards the highway, only slowing down when I spotted a road sigh that told me I was leaving Napa, California.  I drove and drove down the long black road through the murky night and I didn't  stop until I spotted a clock on the dash board that read 6:42am.  I soon spotted a motel along the side of the road and pulled up, shifting into park before pulling the keys from the ignition and stepping out of the high truck.  I walked over to a clerk at the front desk and asked for a room.

"How much for one night?" I asked.

"That'll be 47.63 please." he said.

I pulled out a few bills handing it to the man. "Keep the change."

"Room number 36." he said handing me the key.

I walked off towards my truck pulling my bags out and walking to the small faded door right across the side walk.  I inserted the key card and opened the door, I walked into the small dingy room and close the door behind me leaving my bags by the door I slowly made my way over to the bed and collapse with exhaustion thinking that in 12 hours I would be back on the road finding my way to a new home as far away from California as I could get.

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