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Chapter one

The beginning

      One day on the sandy shores of Backport I found a ring in the sand. It was cool looking  

it was gold with a big emerald on top and words written on the inside, but I couldn't read it.

I went home with the ring then a hole bunch of crazy stuff happened.  Befor I get to that I have to tell you what happend befor I found the ring. It all began on a tuesday afternoon when I went to school the weirdest thing happened,  this dude came to me and said "you will find it at the beach" then he left. I thought I would go check the beach after school. The second hour of school,  I was  bored, but then another thing happened as I was reading my history book in one of the paragraphs about thomas jefferson it read it's in the sand, In big bold letters I started to write go look in the beach after school so I wouldn't forget  . The end of school came around, so I went to the beach and found the ring.

       When I got home nobody was home I thought they might be out shopping and stuff.

Five hours has passed and still nobody was home, but then the phone started ringing. I pick up the phone and said "hello," complete silence for about two minutes, in a deep voice said "I know you have the ring," then he hung up. I was scared I thought he was going to come to my house  and murder me or something like that. I pack some bags of food, clothes, sticks, a map and a flashlight.

I went outside, it was cold, dark and scary, but on I went into town looking for help. I look at my map to see where I should go. I decided i shall go to costco uptown near pizza hut. when I went into town nobody was there so I strolled through first ava, but when I came to second ava there stood this man

in a black coat and black hat was just standing there. he looked up and saw me, he started coming after me, I ran away as fast as I could, but then I got cornered in an alleyway the man captured me. He took me to this place, It look like a big castle. The man took me inside and put me in a cold dark dungeon. one day has passed and i'm still stuck in the dungeon. (Two years later) I died of starvation, lying there in the cell breathless, but something wasn't right I woke up in a white room.I got up and said "hello" nobody answered for a second, in a big loud voice said "you must be hungry" then a table rose up from the ground with food on it, a lot of food, good food.

I rushed over to the table and started to stuff my face with food. A man pop out of nowhere and said "enjoying your food" I noded  with food stuffed in my mouth. I'm Cole the man said, and i'm the one that told you to find the ring. I stopped stuffing my mouth with food and said "what the hell is wrong with you I died because of that stupid ring" Cole said  "you're not dead you're in the second realm". The second realm where the hell on earth is that I said, It's not on earth it's in the sun he replied. "In the sun how did I get in the sun"  "magic"  "Magic MAGIC MAGIC"

"Yes magic"  "FUCKIN MAGIC ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME I GOT LOCK UP IN A CELL FOR FUCKING TWO YEARS COULDN'T YOU PULLED ME UP HERE SOONER" "yes I could of but I was too busy attending to my other patients," YOUR OTHER PATIENTS," yes David your not the first." I was still pised off, but I kind-of got ceruse so I said what do you mean i'm not the first "well david you're one of the descendants of DBK and the world is at stake so we're trying to see if any of DBK's descendants is good enough strong enough to save the world" "what about the other patients" well DBK kind-of got to fisical with the ladies if you know what I mean"

"Ok........" well let's get started" "on what" "your test of course" test on what" to see if you're the one.

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