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//Before you stop reading, these are short stories of each of the boys' past. if you just want to skip to the story/1 chapter, then skip to page 8, it's called 'chapter 1: the beginning' and thanks for reading, make sure to like and comment ^^//

Sloth: The avoidance of physical or spiritual work

She didn't know he'd come to be like this...

As she was running she tripped and fell. As she tries to get up, the one she's running from steps on her back, pushing her against the ground to keep her from getting up to run away. He leans down and whispers in her ear, his frosty breath sending cold chills down her spine.

"You know you shouldn't run, I've told you it makes it worse..." He chuckles before stepping off of her to lift her up by the collar, forcing her to make eye contact.

His bright purple eyes staring into her dark ones, as his silver hair falls perfectly around his pale face, his fangs protruding from his gums as they are stained deep red from the victim she saw him take.

He smirked at her. "I told you not to follow me, didn't I?"

She was unable to speak, due to the shock and horror from witnessing his kill.

He chuckles once more. "I told you you don't have to be afraid..." he pulls her into a tight hug, planning to make her pass out. "What have I done wrong?"

"You lied to me... what are you?"

He looked her in the eyes before smirking, a fang showing itself as he speaks.

"I am Yoongi, only but one of the seven sins... I, am sloth."

The Seven Sins {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now