The Poorly Ducky

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Hello, and welcome to my first ever fanfiction! Before I begin, I would like to say a few quick things. First off, while some of the events in this book are based off things in real life, most of this didn't actually happened and is made up by my twisted imagination. Stampy and Sqaishey are both real people, and this is simply a way for me to express my complex and often deadly (for me, at least) feelings about Sqampy. Second, I am always open to suggestions and love reviews and constructive criticism, but please no negativity. This is a place for happiness and rainbows. Lastly, this chapter is very short. This is because it is he first one and is meant to introduce the scene. The next ones will be longer, I promise. Now, without further ado, here is The Lion Queen!

                                                                  Third Person POV 

Being sick isn't all that bad when you have someone there to take care of you. This was exactly the case as Sqaishey Quack lay tucked under a heap of covers, face ashen and sweat gleaming on her forehead. Stampylongnose sat cross legged by her side, holding a wet towel to her forehead.

"I can't believe your sick again," he sighed, shaking his head.

"It's not like I wanted to be sick." Sqaishey made a face, then immediately regretted it when her head began to pound again.

"Hush," Stampy scolded, poking her shoulder. "Don't move, or you'll feel worse."

"I've figured that out already, funnily enough," she murmured faintly, water from the cloth dripping into her eyes. Stampy wiped the drops away with the back of his hand before pulling the towel away.

"This doesn't seem to be helping. Maybe I should get you some food?" He moved to her up, but Sqaishey grabbed his wrist, the movement making her stomach lurch. "Please don't leave. I won't be able to eat anything anyway," she begged in a tiny voice.

"Okay, okay," Stampy said, amused. He held up his hands in defeat. "I'm not going anywhere." He folded the damp cloth and set it on the side table before sitting near her head.

For a few minutes they sat there in silence, Stampy humming off tune and Sqaishey trying to close here eyes. Rest is always the best cure, after all. No matter how hard she tried, though, there was no way she was going to be able to doze off. "Stampy?" Her eyes flicked toward him, but her body was too tired to move.

"Yes my miracle duck?" He smiled down at her.

"Can you tell me a story? A fairy tale," she pleaded. "With awesome characters and a happy ending."

"Hmm." Stampy drummed his fingers against his lips, deep in thought. Then his face lit up, and he bobbed his head, curls bouncing. "Oh, I've got one! Unfortunately, the ending is still uncertain, but it does have awesome characters." His eyes sparkled.

"Tell!" Sqaishey squealed, grinning. Her discomfort was forgotten as she eagerly waited for him to start.

"Where to begin," He said slowly, playing with her hair. "Ah. Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a beautiful ducky named Sqaishey..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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