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The occasional breeze died down leaving the plants and trees to wither in the scorching heat as the sun baked the ground with vengeance. Hearing the clacking of wooden shoes against the ground, she tried to be as quite as possible, not wanting to wake her parents. The creaking of the floor stopped abruptly as she step foot out of the old and broken down house.
Her parents would often take naps in the afternoon and leave her sister and her to do some school work.
Strolling around the nearby Park, a certain tree caught her eye. There was nothing special about it. It was just a normal cherry blossom tree. The thing that made it strange was the checkered, red and black picnic mat that Laid in front of it.
Her chocolate brown eyes flickered with curiosity as she looked around for any sign of people. Already knowing the answer, she sighed and sat on the picnic may, Making the decision to take a short cat nap.
As she laid down, a few minutes passed and her eyelids felt heavy.
And ever so slowly, she dozed off.
Mistaking the voice for her mother's, she waved it off and turned around but was forced to open her eyes when she felt a pair of hands grab onto her shoulders and shake her vigorously.
She opened an eye only to be met by blood red ones.
Snapping out of her thoughts, she jumped out of the his arms, careful of what the strange white haired man would do next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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