Untitled Part 1

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We all have thought going through our head that we can't go run from, here I am with all these thought and not knowing what to do with half of them... I often wonder why these thoughts run through my head when my heart tells me not to listen..I guess that's where the saying follow your heart and not your head comes from... But then with those thoughts that we have, there are our feelings that run side by side with them that really can define us as they can over take and make us feel a whole other feel just from one thought that was small and now is huge... We can down grade ourselves from these thoughts and feelings but then also can empower ourselves too... But somehow I seem to always down grading myself, maybe that's because of my upbringing or from things that have made me feel the same way before but from a whole other way.. I can't but feel and think that some of my thoughts and feelings will ever go away.. As no one can says the right thing or show me as the time has pasted to far...

How can one sound, a moment, a word, a thought, a person, a feeling change us for ever or even a moment in time... We can be happy or feel something but just in a second anything can change that by just walking in our life...

Someone or something can make us feel empowered but then in seconds can define that by one action, one word, one thought.. Then your thoughts come in to play and everything you have worked for changes, thought start running from so small to big, you start to downgrade yourself, you feel small and not good enough for what you thought could change your life or have a impacted..

You thought life would be different then it becomes different and you become unsure about everything.. You start questioning yourself about actions of other people and yourself and not sure what to think about them..

Trying hard to hide what you feel and thoughts are tricky because one you could have someone who knows you really well and can see through the layers or you let your guard down for a second and bam they see it all and you can't hide it anymore because they have seen it and aren't going to forget it soon.. Why do people think they can be close to someone and know everything when really they don't...they think they do and think it's okay think it's okay to tell you they know yourself better... They don't know the feelings and thoughts going through ones head. They don't know what someone does every second of the day, so really no one can know someone better then the human living in that body..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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