Chronicles of a Hybrid Princess { Watty Awards 2012 }

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      “One should be careful from what one accidentally finds; things will be much different now. Good luck in your journey; let the power of pure magic and love guides you to the right path. Do not regret. We all lose people sometime somehow….”

This diary is to be veiled, unknown and out of sight. Who ever finds it must keep it safe and protected. It can only be shared with special people who are more than trusted, or the curse will haunt you forever. This diary is not written to belittled, it’s to be read and understood. Only certain people will find it. When the time is right, these people will be taken to their real world. These events written in this diary are the ways which will help you know about the secrets of the world you know nothing about, and the people who you cannot just walk pass by them without feeling something outlandish. Since you started reading this, you can’t ever stop, and since you found this, you are forever controlled by the power of mysteriousness and adventure. If you ever found this diary, you have to find its official owner, and that would be me; Princess Valarie Anne Black. The only people I can give you the permission to show them these secrets will be with you when you find my diary, and in order to find me, you have to find either Scarlet Joanne Moore or Daniel Christopher Smith. Now that you know the instructions, I allow you and whoever found this with you to read my puzzling and enigmatic life and the secrets of my world through my beloved diary….

       Have you ever thought that all this is just a dream someone else is dreaming or you are just a character in a story someone else is writing? Have you ever thought that these mystical creatures might turn out to be true, or that you might be something very precious and rare but you do not know it until there is a sign? Some things will remain hidden and cryptic, some things everyone knows, but things I know are the secrets only the chosen ones know….

        I always felt that there is something different with me but I didn’t know what; I was finally satisfied when one day I was walking home from school alone in the deserted alley, and I found that letter. I was excited yet freaked that my eyes nearly popped out. I never thought that something like this will actually happen one day, I only see these things in the movies or read about them in books! I am the new hybrid! In my case anyone who knows a lot about these stuff would rather kill one’s self; it was never safe to be a hybrid. They are rare and precious. Why didn't I throw the letter away? They know a lot about me, they have been watching. I found out later that the earlier you get the letter, the more powerful you are which means the more danger you are in. unfortunately I was the youngest hybrid alive! I was only fifteen when I got my letter which was considered very early. I took the letter as I walked back home; I kept thinking about it, and wondering, is there someone else who found this thing, or it is just me? Or maybe it is a trick from one of my friends.

I went home, and tried to act normal but that thing never left my mind and I still looked like I was hiding something, but it was ok. I am always like that anyway. I went upstairs to my room, got on my laptop, and started searching for anything that is related or anyone who had that letter before. Although I didn't find anything, I kept searching all night; I didn’t even think of giving up. Then I heard that weird sound coming from downstairs, and it was more like someone is calling my name. I went down stairs to find my brother watching TV so I thought maybe I was imagining as usual. I was about to go back to my room when I heard it again. This time it was clearer!  '' Did you hear anything? '', I asked my brother. ''Um no! Did you?''. I was shocked, because only I heard this voice so clearly. I tried to act stupid but I was still weird '' I thought there was something ha-ha never mind… I will go to sleep ''.  The thing is I didn't actually go sleep; instead I went to my room, took my backpack, got out of the window, and followed the voice. I kept walking till I reached the same place I found the letter in, and then the voice was gone. The street was as if it’s a haunted town, nothing but coldness. I can barley see anything and all I heard was dogs barking. I felt as if I were going insane. I can’t believe I actually followed some voice! I thought about heading home. I was about to turn around, and walk away when I heard it again. I stood still. It stopped. It was like it is trying to tell me not to go, and stay here; I stayed for half an hour then when the clock hit twelve am sharp, I felt extremely dizzy and unconscious. I had no clue about what’s going on; I tried to scream but instead….. It was a howl…..

Chronicles of a Hybrid Princess { Watty Awards 2012 }Where stories live. Discover now